Speaker: Melissa Smith

Melissa 2014
Melissa Smith
CA, United States
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Melissa Smith is Managing Partner of The Training Clinic, a training consulting firm specializing in state-of-the art design, delivery, management and evaluation of training through development and delivery of workshops, certificate programs, on-line courses, publications, training products and job-aids. Since 1977, The Training Clinic has trained over 200,000 people on five continents in train-the-trainer techniques and other topics including interpersonal, sales, management development, communication, administrative and self-management skills workshops. 

Melissa has extensive preparation in adult learning theory, workshop facilitation and instructional design. Her methodology, which is based on action learning principles, is designed uniquely for each client and is tailored for a specific purpose and output. In addition to public and in-house workshops, Melissa regularly facilitates webinars, workshops and certificate workshops for Training Magazine and ATD. She is co-author of Temperament and Type Dynamics: The Facilitator's Guide, Quick Guide to the 16 Personality Types and Teams, and Quick Guide to the 16 Personality Types in Organizations and author of many white papers and articles on learning and development best practices. Melissa is a fun, dynamic presenter and course designer who stimulates individual participation, group involvement and learning.


  • Full Name
    Melissa Smith
  • Job Title
    Managing Partner, The Training Clinic


Webinars, Recordings, Resources, Groups, Conference Presentations

 May 04, 2022 - L&D Audit Toolkit - Resource Path2x apply small
 March 27, 2019 - 2019 Training Trends Report - Resource Path2x apply small
 June 07, 2018 - Legally Using Videos in Your Training - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 14, 2017 - Mousify Your Training: Disney-Inspired Strategies for Practically Perfect Learning - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 31, 2017 - Copyright Basics for Trainers: Selecting Images and Music That Won’t Break the Budget – or the Law - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 21, 2017 - R.I.P. Outdated LMS: Make Way for Modern Learning - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 16, 2017 - Solutions to 7 Challenges of Virtual Classroom Strategy Implementation - Resource Path2x apply small
 August 15, 2017 - Applying Augmented & Virtual Reality to Training and Performance Support - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 04, 2017 - The New Training Content Paradigm - Resource Path2x apply small
 August 03, 2017 - 7 Questions to Ask Before Beginning Your Search for a Learning Partner - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 25, 2017 - Informal Learning: How to Measure a Moving Target - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 19, 2017 - How Can a Webinar with Lou Russell Be a Halloween Party? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 23, 2017 - Masters Series Webinar - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 17, 2017 - The Right Stuff - A Model for Modern Blended Learning That’s Out of This World - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 10, 2017 - 9 Easy Techniques to Make Your Training Look Modern (So Millennials Don't Think You're Old!) - Webinar Path2x apply small
 March 13, 2017 - 10 Animation Techniques That Actually Help Your Audience Understand and Remember Concepts - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 25, 2017 - Training Technology: Learn, Grow or Become Obsolete - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 19, 2017 - Modern Learning is Perpetual Learning – How do We Become the “Google” of Learning? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 17, 2017 - Maintaining Sanity as a Department of One! - Resource Path2x apply small
 January 12, 2017 - Becky Pike Pluth’s Favorite NEW PowerPoint Tricks to Create Electrifying Presentations - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 12, 2017 - Webinars with a Wow Factor: How to Pack a Punch in Online Training - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 10, 2017 - Unlocking Performance: How Cognitive Tools Can Optimize Learning and Training Efficacy - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 07, 2016 - Taking Care of Number One: Functional Fitness for Trainers - Resource Path2x apply small
 November 21, 2016 - Maintaining Sanity as a Department of One! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 10, 2016 - 3 Mistakes Even Smart Presenters Make that Keep Their Participants Bored and Disengaged - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 09, 2016 - Doin' the Socials: Supporting Learning through Social Media Tools - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 07, 2016 - Thankfulness: It's Good for the Brain - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 21, 2016 - Taking Care of Number One: Functional Fitness for Trainers - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 15, 2016 - Awesome PowerPoint Tricks for Effective Presentations - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 14, 2016 - Bibbity Bobbity Boo - No More Boring Lectures for YOU! Write Activities to Make Boring Lectures Disappear - Resource Path2x apply small
 August 05, 2016 - Performance Consulting: What Is It and Why Do It? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 15, 2016 - Bibbity Bobbity Boo - No More Boring Lectures for YOU! Write Activities to Make Boring Lectures Disappear - Webinar Path2x apply small
 March 01, 2016 - The Nuts and Bolts of Creating an Engaging Training Program - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 15, 2016 - Call for Learning Solutions - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 06, 2016 - Competence & Credentials - Group
 January 06, 2016 - Put Some PEP in Your Step: Developing a Performance Enhancement Plan - Resource Path2x apply small
 December 03, 2015 - Go Figure! 4 Must-Have Needs Assessment Tools - Resource Path2x apply small
 November 24, 2015 - Quiet Leadership: Harnessing the Strengths of Introverts to Change How We Work, Lead and Innovate - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 18, 2015 - Improving Performance Through Debriefing Techniques - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 28, 2015 - eLearningArt Bonus Graphics - PowerPoint Templates, Powerful Graphics & Character Images - Resource Path2x apply small
 July 22, 2015 - A Robot Wants Your Job: How to Future-Proof Yourself for Tomorrow’s Workplace - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 14, 2015 - Sketchnoting: Capturing Ideas and Concepts with Visual Narratives - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 06, 2015 - Bob Pike - Instructor-led, Participant-Centered Training - Group
 April 20, 2015 - Build a Better Reaction Sheet: Tips from Jim and Wendy Kirkpatrick - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 15, 2015 - Do you do it all? Trainer, Designer, Artist, Developer, Deliverer, Tracker, Etc? Welcome to the World of the Do-It-Yourself Learning Professionals - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 09, 2015 - 6 Ways to Make Off-The-Shelf Content Your Own - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 05, 2015 - 4 Learning Metrics You're Not Using Today But Should - Resource Path2x apply small
 January 29, 2015 - 4 Learning Metrics You're Not Using Today But Should - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 22, 2015 - Another Affair with LOLA (Live Online Learning Activity) - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 07, 2015 - "Flipped" Webinar: Know Your Subject Matter Experts - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 18, 2014 - 8 Great PowerPoint Presentation Tips to Save You From a Fate Worse than Death by PowerPoint - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 17, 2014 - 13 Techniques That Will Make Designing PowerPoint Slides EASY - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 08, 2014 - The Business Side of a Successful Performance Consulting Practice Session 6: Building a Marketing and Sales Channel - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 25, 2014 - Meet LOLA (Live Online Learning Activities) with Thiagi and Tracy - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 04, 2014 - Ensuring Happiness at Work - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 07, 2014 - Finding the Return on Investment in Blended Learning - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 02, 2014 - Extend the Shelf Life of Your Training: Lessons You Can Implement from the Flipped Classroom - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 30, 2014 - The Future of Work and HR to 2030 - Do You Know What's Coming and Are You Ready? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 18, 2014 - Sell-by-date: Are You and Your L & D Skills Destined for Obsolescence? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 04, 2014 - How to Add Adventure, Challenge and Discovery in Learning Lessons - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 28, 2014 - Finding Balance in Blended Learning: Making the Move to Interactive Online Training - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 12, 2014 - How the Digital Skills Gap is Killing Your Team's Productivity - And What You Can Do About It - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 16, 2014 - Top 125 Think Tank: Benchmarking Your Learning Strategy Against the Best-of-the-Best - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 12, 2014 - Using Kirkpatrick to Move Beyond Training Order-Taking - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 07, 2014 - Learn to Get Your Expertise Utilized Peter Block's Flawless Consulting Skills: An Introduction - Webinar Path2x apply small
 March 05, 2014 - Why Your Training Development Team is Getting Bad Information... and How to Fix It - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 23, 2014 - Knowledge Capture: How to Use Video and Online Presentations to Share What your Subject-Matter Experts Know - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 08, 2014 - Making Connections: A Training Magazine Networking Jam - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 01, 2014 - Technology Tools to Make Training Stick - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 28, 2013 - Leaving ADDIE Behind - A Conversation with Michael Allen - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 14, 2013 - Exploring the Learning Experience Canvas - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 01, 2013 - The Future of Learning - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 17, 2013 - Coaching is Exploding Training Careers! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 09, 2013 - How to ACE your Synchronous Course Design - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 11, 2013 - How Big Data is Transforming Learning and Talent Development - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 16, 2013 - Methodology Madness: Completing Your Projects While Saving Your Sanity - Webinar Path2x apply small
 March 26, 2013 - Self-Coaching: What is it and Does it Pay Off? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 27, 2013 - Making eLearning Stick - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 05, 2013 - The Future of Virtual Learning and Collaboration - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 24, 2012 - Bryan Austin's Game-Based Learning - Group
 August 07, 2012 - Informal Learning and Social Media: Upskilling for 21st Century Training - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 06, 2010 - Ray Jimenez' Creating Engaging & Effective eLearning - Group
 January 28, 2010 - Bending Your Brain with the Thiagi Group - Group
 September 24, 2009 - The Kirkpatrick Group - Group


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