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Create a Fresh and Captivating Canva Presentation
Is it time to level up your Canva skills? Are you feeling uninspired and bored with your current presentation tool and want to take your design skills to the next level? Eye-catching visuals are the secret sauce to getting your audience engaged. In this session, you will learn how to create training presentation slides in Canva that are visually appealing and engage your learners, and reusable across your team.   
How to Integrate ChatGPT in Your eLearning Modules
Curious about how generative AI can transform your eLearning modules? Join us in this fun, interactive session, where we'll dive into integrating ChatGPT with Articulate Storyline, putting the power of AI right in the hands of your learner. (You could use the same techniques with any other leading authoring software.)   
How to Use AI Voice Like a Pro
One of our most popular webinars from 2022 is returning with an update on how training professionals are incorporating AI voice into their workflows. In January this year, AI and Generative AI have begun to dominate industry newsletters, and learning and development are no exception.  
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Rethink Training with VIRTUAL REALITY & GAMES
Training Today In the wake of a global pandemic, the world of education went virtual. As businesses reopened and hybrid or on-site work cultures made an exciting return from mid-2021, some virtual training opportunities continued their meteoric rise. L&D leaders witnessed greater effectiveness with virtual onboarding, compliance, procedural training, and other skilling programs. The training was better received by learners and training outcomes were far superior. Virtual procedural training is today embraced by diverse industries—manufacturing, healthcare, high-tech, and beyond. Professionals who have spent decades in interventional medical device education believe virtual procedure training is here to stay. Thriving in the new digital setting, it offers increasingly immersive learning environments to a globally dispersed and diverse cohort of students. Similarly, in the manufacturing industry employees report increased safety awareness, and develop conditioned responses, problem-solving skills, and muscle memory—most often even before they are on the job! The paradigm shift to facilitating and receiving virtual procedural training today is undeniable and has opened new doors in training methodologies and learning environments. Learning professionals new to virtual training may be wondering: What makes immersive learning environments like virtual reality and game-based learning top the charts for learning effectiveness? How have companies capitalized on this trend? What are the use cases and success stories of companies that are riding the wave? This eBook will go on to address such burning questions. Comprehensively explore ways to implement games and virtual reality to make training immersive and engaging, and deliver better learning experiences for your learners.
Measuring the Success of Sales Training
A 2020 Southern New Hampshire University study found that sales training can deliver a 353% return on investment. This study has been cited numerous times by others who want a quick data point to make the case for investing in sales training. Sadly, these citations lack context, process, or standards, leaving some readers questioning the reliability of the data.
eLearning for All: Creating Accessible Courses with the All-New Adobe Captivate
Accessibility is crucial for ensuring that all users, regardless of their abilities, can access and interact with eLearning content. Join us in shaping a more inclusive eLearning landscape and ensuring that education is accessible to all learners.  
How to Have Deep Learning in Virtual and Webinar Sessions
Most webinars and virtual sessions are content dumps. We try hard to accomplish a lot of ideas within a very limited time. To add interactions and engagement, we resort to breakout sessions, polls, and/or chatting -- just to add interaction. However,meaningful and insightful conversations are absent. Therefore, deep learning and reflections are missing.   
Go Micro! 20 Easy Ways to Make Microlearning a Success
Everyone wants to go micro and many of us have already done so. But going micro is more than just delivering bite-sized content. There are many different use cases and formats for microlearning, so everyone says they’re using microlearning, but they are all doing something vastly different.  
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Stepping Up The L&D Game: Talking AI With Your Leadership
This article provides a practical guide for Learning and Development professionals on how to discuss integrating AI in eLearning with their leadership. The key focus is on addressing the concerns of leadership and demonstrating the benefits of AI through pilot programs.
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AI in Action: Applications of AI for Self-Paced eLearning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to redefine the boundaries of various sectors, and the realm of eLearning is no exception. Given its potential to facilitate personalized and immersive learning experiences, AI integration in eLearning will soon be transforming the industry at an unprecedented pace. Let’s take a look at the real-world applications of AI, focusing on enhancing self-paced eLearning. To set the stage, consider a typical self-paced learning module. These modules allow learners to proceed through content at their own speed, promoting flexibility and catering to the individual learning preferences to some extent. However, the traditional approach can sometimes lack dynamic interaction, real-time feedback, and personalization. While good instructional design can alleviate a lot of these issues, some of these, such as real-time feedback, are technical limitations of the modality. This is where AI, particularly generative AI like ChatGPT, can make a huge difference.
Using DISC for Leading / Selling / Relationship Building / Communicating / Team Building and Negotiating
The core material of this workshop is based on a behavioral and communication model called DISC. Understanding the personality styles of your team members, prospects, customers, boss, direct reports, clients (and even family members and friends) will improve your effectiveness twenty-five percent and help people buy into your requests as well as improve your understanding of others.  
Cracking the Learning Code with Neuroscience and John Medina’s "Brain Rules"
We are now truly starting to understand how the learner learns, scientists now know for sure how our brain works and its these advances in the brain sciences that should "shape" how we design and deliver training to our learners.  
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From Onboarding to Everboarding: Build Continuity through Community
How do you ensure that employees skills are constantly, steadily developed in ways that are aligned to your company's values? Extend onboarding past the first weeks of a new employee's tenure and build a continuous onboarding or "everboarding" experience!  
The Key to Training and Coaching is Self-awareness
This webinar will teach the value of developing self-awareness and how to coach to self-awareness that will promote learning as well as leveraging training. An estimated that 85% of people significantly lack self-awareness. Self-awareness is at the foundation Of how people receive training as well as coaching.  
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Cybersecurity Training: Avoid the Routine
Cybersecurity training has quickly and quietly become a mainstay for required training programs at many organizations. As more employees find their jobs require some form of technology and data management, the need for proper training on how to keep company records safe becomes apparent. One industry estimate claims that the average employee in the US maintains 70 to 80 passwords for various systems throughout the course of their job. Without proper vigilance, it seems like only a matter of time before there is an exposure to a data breach. Complicating this issue is the strategy around learning objectives for cybersecurity training. Because it is so commonly viewed as an annual event, and so much of it is a refresher, engagement with the material is stereotypically low. Learning leaders should pay attention to strategy here. If training feels like a simple box-checking exercise that lacks meaningful updates or is delivered in a rote style, their employees are likely not to retain the information. Data and system architects can only do so much. Every employee with access to systems with sensitive data is inherently playing a role in safeguarding that data. And, just as the technology is always changing to maintain that security against new and developing threats, so too should the training efforts. In this eBook, we focus on how organizations can update their strategy to deliver more engaging and effective cybersecurity training. Topics include: Avoiding routine delivery Industries with specific challenges in cybersecurity training Creating conversations on best practices Tracking certifications in the LMS Understanding the costs of doing nothing
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Knowing Your Role - How to Get (and Keep!) Stakeholder Buy-In for L&D
Exceptional learning leaders are acutely aware of the importance of how learning and development is viewed, utilized, and measured in an organization. Often, they must act as a strategist, sales consultant, and publicity agent for the learning programs they create. Getting and keeping buy-in from the necessary stakeholders in an organization is crucial to sustainable L&D programs. Ensuring that learning programs are relevant to the company’s reality requires an ongoing dialog with the key stakeholders. This eBook examines recurring goals, concerns, and opportunities that often show up with typical roles in the organization. We also break down ways to communicate the value of L&D that may ring true for them. (This eBook is the third of a 3-part series that examines the early and middle and ongoing stages of using an LMS and the roles that stakeholders in learning can play in the process.) In this eBook, we look at commonly recurring roles in many organizations, their viewpoint on learning and development programs, and how to get stakeholder buy-in on learning. Topics include: Aligning programs to broader, organizational goals How to sell L&D plans to the C-suite Appealing to line managers Engaging employees in learning objectives
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Artificial Presentations: Best Thing Ever or Worst Ever?
Are ChatGPT and all the other rapidly emerging AI engines the new life-blood of presentation creation or are they a death knell? Maybe they will be both! Join in on this first look at how AI will impact our workflow as presentationists: how it can assist in research, photo search, fleshing out of content, and actual building of slides. Soon, you might not be able to tell if a human authored those slides and nobody really knows if that is a good thing or a bad thing.  
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A Year-Over-Year Plan for L&D Leaders - How to Refine, Adjust, and Propel Your Learning Efforts Now and Beyond
Creating and updating a resilient learning strategy requires ongoing attention and care. Thoughtful learning leaders are in constant pursuit of ways to create "stickiness" around L&D. They look to make learning opportunities that serve both the learner and the broader goals of the organization. As these programs mature, strategy takes center stage when considering possible refinements, measurements, and advanced and nuanced programs. Well-designed L&D programs can do amazing things for employee engagement levels as they welcome opportunities to develop skills and knowledge. Learning initiatives are always evolving, like a flowing river. What worked for a company a year ago may no longer be the most effective approach due to changing goals, conditions, and methodology. Ensuring that learning programs are relevant to the company’s reality requires an ongoing dialog with the key stakeholders. This eBook dives into common experiences that learning leaders may have as their learning programs mature. (This eBook is the second of a 3-part series that examines the early and middle and ongoing stages of using an LMS and the roles that stakeholders in learning can play in the process.) In this eBook, we look at ways that learning leaders might adjust their learning strategy around development, deployment, and measurement as their programs mature. Topics include: Assessment of 1st year L&D goals Gathering feedback Crafting a plan for ongoing content acquisition Utilizing subject matter experts Program alignment
Designing Virtual Learning to Deliver Application and Impact
Today, more than ever, there is a need to ensure that virtual learning works to improve organizational outcomes. This requires program owners to design virtual learning with desired outcomes in mind to deliver results—and demonstrate that they do. Unfortunately, program owners often face challenges to deliver results that executives appreciate and understand.  
The Secrets of Sales Credibility: The Trust Accelerator
Only 1 in 4 U.S. adults views salespeople as credible in what they say and do [The American State of Credibility, 2020]. This means most salespeople start new business relationships from a position of weakness.  
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The Ultimate Guide to AI-Powered Video: What It Is and How to Best Use It
Existing and emerging text-to-video AI tools are making it easier than ever to create video content. And they’re only getting better.  In this guide, you’ll get a look at the types of tools that exist now and what’s coming soon, the leading players, and the benefits of text-to-video generators. The guide provides answers these questions: What is text-to-video AI software and how can I use it? What are some examples of this software and their strengths/weaknesses? What’s the benefit of using these tools for work? What’s next for text-to-video generators?
Survey Rating Scales Done Right: Let’s Use Best Practices to Dispel the Old Myths!
Surveys are important tools for gathering the data we use for training evaluation, and they’re easy to compose, right? Wrong! Our survey respondents get frustrated with questions that don’t have response options that match their experiences, or confused by response options that are misaligned with question stems.
Using Chat GPT Responsibly to Generate Presentation Ideas and Do Research
Chat GPT has become wildly popular but you can get burned. Discover how to use Chat GPT (and Microsoft’s Copilot) responsibly to save time without making all your content sound "GPT-bland.".  
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Creative Branching Scenario Solutions with Twine
Most development tools are designed with primarily linear content in mind. It's often possible to create nonlinear or branching content, but that isn't the primary purpose of the tool. That means building branching scenarios can be clunky, cumbersome, and time consuming. What if you had a tool that was designed just for creating branching scenarios?  
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