Speaker: Lynette Gillis

Dr. Lynette Gillis is an internationally recognized authority and keynote speaker in the design, development and evaluation of learning. She has led a distinguished career at the leading edge of research and practice designed to improve the quality, effectiveness and impact of workplace learning.  Lynette received her doctorate in cognitive and educational psychology from the University of Toronto in 1982. Her contributions to enhancing learning effectiveness have focused on three broad areas: measuring and evaluating learning programs, establishing quality standards for instructional excellence, and designing eLearning and blended learning solutions.

Her deep theoretical expertise is balanced by extensive field‐level experience designing and developing learning products, practices, and strategies. This experience spans all professional roles including the high‐level design, delivery, and evaluation enterprise learning and evaluation (Harvard Business, Coca-Cola, Cigna, MIT, Boeing, Capital One, etc.). 


  • Full Name
    Lynette Bailey
  • Job Title
    Executive Director


  • Name
    Centre for Learning Impact


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