Speaker: Patti Shank, PhD

Patti Shank, PhD
CO, United States
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Patti Shank PhD is the author of Write Better Multiple-Choice Questions to Assess Learning, Write and Organize for Deeper Learning, Practice and Feedback for Deeper Learning, and Manage Memory for Deeper Learning. She’s an internationally recognized instructional designer, researcher, and learning analyst who makes these tactics clear and actionable in her books and courses.
Books by Patti Shank, Ph.D., CPT

Books by Patti Shank, Ph.D., CPT

Full NamePatti Shank
Job TitlePresident
NameLearning Peaks LLC
Webinars, Recordings, Resources, Groups, Conference Presentations
This book is about channeling the power and control you have over your life. This sounds easy but it is isn’t. If it was, more people would do it. Those who realize they have this power and take full advantage of it are able to greatly influence the path of their lives. Others, who neglect this power, often feel stuck and unhappy as circumstances blow them around.
The ability to channel our inner power, more than anything else, determines the quality and outcomes of our lives. If you are ready to learn how to better channel your inner power, Be the (Best) Boss of You provides invaluable insights that you need. The good news is that it is never too late.
Many books recommend teaching and learning strategies based on current learning research and theory. However, few books offer illustrative examples of how to take these strategies and put them into action in the real world. The Online Learning Idea Book is filled with concrete examples of people who make learning more inspiring and engaging every day, in all kinds of settings, all over the world.
In this second volume of The Online Learning Idea Book you will find brand new and valuable ideas that you can adopt or adapt in your own instructional materials, to make them more dynamic and more worthwhile for learners and learning. These ideas will let you peek over the shoulders of some of the world's most creative instructors, instructional designers and developers, trainers, media developers, and others in order to help spark creative ideas of your own.
Essential Articulate Studio ’09 is designed to help novice to intermediate users of Articulate Studio ’09 get the most from using these tools—Presenter, Engage, Quizmaker, and Video Encoder—to develop quality informational and instructional materials. It was written with the following goals in mind:
Help new users get up to speed as quickly and painlessly as possible
Assist users of previous versions of Articulate Studio (and previous versions of Presenter, Engage, and Quizmaker) in capitalizing on improvements made to these tools in the ’09 versions
Provide tips and tools that make information presentation and instruction faster, easier, and better
Help new and previous users develop information and instruction that is more valuable for the intended audience(s)
This book is unique because it can serve as both a tutorial for the Studio ’09 products and as a primer on designing and building good information and instruction with these tools. The advice and insights are practical and take into account the we-need-it-yesterday environments that most people who use these tools operate in. Many books about online learning discuss how to build good instruction, but this book actually shows you how to build it, using some of the best authoring tools in the industry.
The e-Learning Handbook provides a critical reflection on the current state of e-learning with contributions from the world's foremost e-learning experts and best-selling authors from academe and industry, including Margaret Driscoll; Brent Wilson Lee Christopher; William Horton, L. Wayne Precht, Harvey Singh, Jim Everidge, and Jane Bozarth; Pat Brogan; Patrick Parrish; Marc J. Rosenberg and Steve Forman; Pat McGee; Philip C. Abrami, Gretchen Lowerison, Roger Cote, and Marie-Claude Lavoie; Thomas C. Reeves, Jan Herrington, and Ron Oliver; and Patrick Lambe. The book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the technological, design, economic, evaluation, research, economic, and philosophical issues underlying e-learning. Each chapter includes a chart that summarizes the key take-away points, contains questions that are useful for guiding discussions, and offers suggestions of related links, books, papers, reports, and articles.
"For those who think online learning can't be truly interactive, Patti Shank and her colleagues clearly demonstrate--in hundreds of examples--that it can. The real lesson in The Online Learning Idea Book is that technology doesn't build interactive learning; creative thinking and good, solid instructional design does. Using even a smidgen of the great ideas in this book will increase the learning effectiveness of any online program."--Marc J. Rosenberg, consultant, and author of Beyond E-Learning "Patti Shank has collected great ideas about online learning and teaching from all over the globe. If you are an online instructor or instructional designer looking for new ways to involve and engage your learners, you'll be inspired by this book!"--Terry Morris, associate professor, William Rainey Harper Colleges Filled with techniques, tools, tips, examples, resources, and dozens of "great ideas, this invaluable resource helps people who are looking to build online instructional materials -- or improve existing materials -- discover and implement what the best and brightest in industry and education are doing to make online learning more engaging and compelling. Increase your know-how in the following areas: * Look and Feel: how to increase ease-of-use* Graphics and Multimedia: how to make instructional graphics engaging and compelling* Activities: how to make instruction itself engaging and compelling* Tools: how to use a variety of online tools* Instructional Design: how to design better and faster.
If you need quick, targeted baseline knowledge about using technology for teaching and learning, Making Sense of Online Learning is for you. This practical, no-nonsense primer will help you understand how online learning technologies work and how they fit into your organization. You'll gain a working knowledge of important topics such as design, infrastructure, and evaluation and the confidence to make informed decisions that will help your learners and organization thrive. Since information about online learning changes at Internet speed, the book is supported with a dedicated Web site (www learningpeaks.com/msoll/) filled with up-to-the-minute suggestions for tools and resources.