Copyright: Guard Your Goldmine - Protecting What You Create


President, Manage Copyright
Webinar Recording Details




You may be thinking, “A goldmine? Where is my goldmine?”  Have you created a website, blog, newsletter, manual, marketing materials, photos, audio/videos?


Then you have a GOLDMINE of assets.
  • The original works you create—Your Intellectual property—are your Goldmine.
  • You have poured out your blood, sweat, tears, time, and money to create that intellectual property.
  • The last thing you want to discover: Someone has just swooped in and taken those assets…ROBBED YOUR GOLDMINE.  

How do you feel?
  • Now you’ll have to spend time, money, and energy to Defend Your Goldmine.
  • Has this happened to you?
  • Could you have avoided this stress and anxiety, or is it just the price of doing business in the digital age?

Let’s explore the various measures you can take—some quick and easy and even FREE—to GUARD YOUR GOLDMINE during the planning, research, pre-launch, and post-launch phases.

GUARD YOUR GOLDMINE so you don’t have to Defend Your Goldmine 

Do you have more questions on specific copyright scenarios or issues?  Please also join my upcoming online TrainingMagNetwork workshop - Your Copyright Questions Answered


About Barbara Ingrassia

Barbara Ingrassia comes from an academic library background. She has studied the “murkiness” of copyright law with the Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland, the Special Libraries Association, Duke University and the Berkman Center at Harvard Law School. She has facilitated workshops for various professional organizations both virtually and face-to-face.

As President of Manage Copyright, she helps individuals and organizations navigate copyright law in the digital age by facilitating a review of their  “public presence,” developing Best Practices, and training their staff.

Ingrassia enjoys bringing some fun to a (potentially) dull topic. Her motto:  Manage Copyright. Don’t let it manage You!

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