Speaker: Maria Chilcote

Maria Chilcote is Managing Partner of The Training Clinic, a training consulting firm specializing in state-of-the art design, delivery, management and evaluation of training through development and delivery of workshops, certificate programs, on-line courses, publications, training products and job-aids. Since 1977, The Training Clinic has trained over 200,000 people on five continents in train-the-trainer techniques and other topics including interpersonal, sales, management development, communication, administrative and self-management skills workshops.

As a consultant, trainer and designer with over 30 years of experience, Maria specializes in performance consulting, management development, the train-the-trainer process and marketing the training function. Maria has conducted hundreds of workshops for a wide variety of industries including government, retail, manufacturing, hospitality & food service, financial and non-profit. In addition to public and in-house workshops, Maria regularly facilitates webinars, workshops and certificate workshops for Training Magazine and ATD. She is author of many white papers and articles on learning and development best practices. Maria is a very engaging trainer in the classroom, modeling the skills she teaches and blending examples from her breadth of corporate experience with just the right amount of humor!


  • Full Name
    Maria Chilcote
  • Job Title
    Managing Partner, The Training Clinic


Webinars, Recordings, Resources, Groups, Conference Presentations

 April 22, 2018 - Keynote Session to the Masters Series - Tools to Engage the Modern Learner: The “Let’s Do It and Must Do It” Learners - Resource Path2x apply small
 February 19, 2018 - Surviving the New Skills Economy - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 14, 2018 - SERIOUSLY??? Dealing With Disruptive Participants - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 14, 2018 - Tools to Engage the Modern Learner Masters Series Webinar - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 15, 2017 - Keynote Session to the Masters Series - The Classroom Reimagined: Overcoming the Blindness of Bias - Resource Path2x apply small
 November 07, 2017 - Target, Bond, Go Get ’em! Marketing Training in Your Organization - Resource Path2x apply small
 October 19, 2017 - The Reinvented Classroom Masters Series Webinar - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 22, 2017 - Target, Bond, Go Get ’em! Marketing Training in Your Organization - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 08, 2017 - Periodic Table of Instructional Design - Resource Path2x apply small
 June 19, 2017 - How Can a Webinar with Lou Russell Be a Halloween Party? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 March 09, 2017 - Snag’em, Bag’em and Tag’em: The Care and Feeding of SMEs - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 07, 2017 - 6 Disruptive Trends Redefining Virtual Learning - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 23, 2017 - Microlearning for Transformation, Not Information Transfer - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 07, 2016 - Taking Care of Number One: Functional Fitness for Trainers - Resource Path2x apply small
 October 07, 2016 - Thankfulness: It's Good for the Brain - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 21, 2016 - Taking Care of Number One: Functional Fitness for Trainers - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 14, 2016 - Bibbity Bobbity Boo - No More Boring Lectures for YOU! Write Activities to Make Boring Lectures Disappear - Resource Path2x apply small
 August 05, 2016 - Performance Consulting: What Is It and Why Do It? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 15, 2016 - Bibbity Bobbity Boo - No More Boring Lectures for YOU! Write Activities to Make Boring Lectures Disappear - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 20, 2016 - Abracadabra: De-Mystifying Adult Learning Techniques! - Resource Path2x apply small
 February 26, 2016 - Abracadabra: De-Mystifying Adult Learning Techniques! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 18, 2016 - When and Where to Use Interactivity - Resource Path2x apply small
 February 18, 2016 - 3-Minute e-Learning Contrasts with Other Learning - Resource Path2x apply small
 February 18, 2016 - eLearning Behaviors: Do people want to learn online? - Resource Path2x apply small
 February 18, 2016 - Warning: Wacky and Unpolished Videos - Resource Path2x apply small
 January 06, 2016 - Competence & Credentials - Group
 January 06, 2016 - Put Some PEP in Your Step: Developing a Performance Enhancement Plan - Resource Path2x apply small
 December 07, 2015 - Training Presentations that Work with Ellen Finkelstein - Group
 December 03, 2015 - Go Figure! 4 Must-Have Needs Assessment Tools - Resource Path2x apply small
 November 30, 2015 - Put Some PEP in Your Step: Developing a Performance Enhancement Plan - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 26, 2015 - Scientific Findings that will Obliterate Our Training Tomorrow...Unless We Change - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 25, 2015 - How to Curate and Train for the Powerful Self-Learners - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 23, 2015 - We're Smarter Together: Simple, Practical and Easy Ways to Harness and Share Everyone's Knowledge - Resource Path2x apply small
 October 20, 2015 - Go Figure! 4 Must-Have Needs Assessment Tools - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 13, 2015 - We're Smarter Together: Simple, Practical and Easy Ways to Harness and Share Everyone's Knowledge - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 13, 2015 - We're Smarter Together: Simple, Practical and Easy Ways to Harness and Share Everyone's Knowledge - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 28, 2015 - eLearningArt Bonus Graphics - PowerPoint Templates, Powerful Graphics & Character Images - Resource Path2x apply small
 September 10, 2015 - Set a Productive Learning Environment: Stop Running the Vacuum! - Resource Path2x apply small
 August 13, 2015 - Set a Productive Learning Environment: Stop Running the Vacuum! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 04, 2015 - Moser RMA - Group
 June 11, 2015 - Creating Hyper Stories for Instant Learning - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 06, 2015 - Bob Pike - Instructor-led, Participant-Centered Training - Group
 April 08, 2015 - 1, 2, 3 S-T-R-E-T-C-H! Expanding Your Reach as a Department of One - Resource Path2x apply small
 February 26, 2015 - 1, 2, 3 S-T-R-E-T-C-H! Expanding Your Reach as a Department of One - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 15, 2015 - So No One Told You You're a Marketeer of Training? - Resource Path2x apply small
 January 08, 2015 - So No One Told You You're a Marketeer of Training? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 15, 2014 - How to Teach Very Complex Ideas with Story-Based eLearning Scenarios - Tip 10 - Resource Path2x apply small
 July 31, 2014 - Breaking Training Development Project Rules - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 22, 2014 - Help them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Employees Want - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 02, 2014 - Make Adult Learning Come to Life - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 02, 2014 - Make Adult Learning Come to Life - Resource Path2x apply small
 May 10, 2013 - How to Build Micro-Scenarios: Snappy, Fast, Engaging - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 10, 2013 - How to Build Micro-Scenarios: Snappy, Fast, Engaging - Resource Path2x apply small
 March 14, 2013 - WhichCraft: Write Activities to Make Boring Lectures Disappear! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 29, 2012 - Write it Right! Use a Seven Step Process to Develop Learning Activities - Resource Path2x apply small
 January 11, 2012 - The Trainer as Peak Performer: Scale the Heights - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 11, 2012 - The Trainer as Peak Performer: Scale the Heights - Resource Path2x apply small
 November 04, 2010 - Joe Ganci's Using Adobe Captivate - Group
 May 06, 2010 - Ray Jimenez' Creating Engaging & Effective eLearning - Group
 January 28, 2010 - Bending Your Brain with the Thiagi Group - Group
 September 24, 2009 - The Kirkpatrick Group - Group


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