Speaker: Jonathan Peters

Jonathan Peters
TX, United States
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Jonathan Peters, PhD, is the Chief Motivation Officer at Sententia Gamification. He has spent over a decade studying the science and art of motivation and persuasion. As a speaker, he has helped audiences from Melbourne, Australia to Augusta, Maine more effectively communicate with their customers and team-members. With Sententia, he applies his knowledge and experience to make learning more enticing, engaging, and encouraging through gamification. With Sententia Gamification, he applies his knowledge and experience to make learning more enticing, engaging, and encouraging through gamification.

Jonathan is the co-author of the forthcoming book Deliberate Fun: A Purposeful Application of Game Mechanics to Learning Experiences, and he has authored four other books under his name and ghostwritten 57 other books. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, though he lives in Austin, TX.

A purveyor of persuasion and bourbon connoisseur, Jonathan is constantly curious about why people do what they do.



  • Full Name
    Jonathan Peters
  • Job Title
    Chief Motivation Officer


  • Name
    Sententia Gamification

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