Is Emotional Intelligence the Key to Effective Change Management?
Marjorie Derven
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Emotional Intelligence (EQ), popularized by best-selling author Daniel Goleman has been validated with multiple research studies to be a key differentiator in work performance. Emotions, which make us human, propel us to require interpersonal connections. Beginning at infancy, our very survival depends upon others, as dramatized in the "Still Face" experiment.
In these Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) times, EQ is arguably more important than ever, as emotions are on high alert when experiencing change and stress. Massive changes are occurring both in the workplace and in global macroeconomic trends, as discussed in Forbes and The Conference Board. Such changes trigger strong emotions, which may promote tunnel vision, narrowing our productive choices.
In these Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) times, EQ is arguably more important than ever, as emotions are on high alert when experiencing change and stress. Massive changes are occurring both in the workplace and in global macroeconomic trends, as discussed in Forbes and The Conference Board. Such changes trigger strong emotions, which may promote tunnel vision, narrowing our productive choices.
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