Bootcamps Just Won't Cut It:
Rethinking the Onboarding Process

Date and TimeWed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Join sales industry veterans, Kyle Uebelhor, Alexander Group and Wendy Goeckel, Brainshark, as they discuss their Sales Rep Development process and how to get new sales reps ramped up quickly, with the right training, information and resources, and selling at maximum capacity.
About Kyle Uebelhor
Kyle Uebelhor, a Principal with the Alexander Group, a sales effectiveness consulting firm, contributes his knowledge and experience to a wide array of sales organizations. His clients include leading companies in technology, telecommunications, wholesale/distribution, financial services and healthcare. Kyle helps clients redefine and deploy sales coverage to ensure optimal sales performance. By applying the Alexander Group's Sales Management System™, he helps companies achieve their sales objectives through a variety of techniques, including improved channel design, sales ROI, sales metrics, sales forecasting, quota allocation, sales force automation solutions and sales compensation.
As a part of an organization widely recognized by national professional associations and trade publications for their work in linking sales compensation to management's objectives, Mr. Uebelhor frequently speaks on sales compensation topics. He has authored several articles and whitepapers including most recently “Five Sales Compensation Solutions to Sales Force Transformation.”
About Wendy Goeckel