So No One Told You You're a Marketeer of Training?

Date and TimeThu, Jan 15, 2015 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Like it or not, marketing training is part of the job! Identify a variety of ways to improve support of learning interventions and attendance at training events. Build alliances and a presence in your organization. Meet organizational needs, rather than put on events that have marginal participation. Fully utilize ALL marketing techniques from networking to navigating the digital world. Make your "marketing job" manageable, effective and fun! Learn practical tips and tricks.
- Develop marketing strategies you can implement today that will cement your role as a valued business partner
- Discover why and how to fold management into your marketing efforts
- Learn practical tips from the pros about how to minimize your marketing time and maximize your marketing return on investment
- Be seen as the valued business partner that you are in your organization
About Jean Barbazette
About Maria Chilcote
Maria Chilcote is Managing Partner of The Training Clinic, a training consulting firm specializing in state-of-the art design, delivery, management and evaluation of training through development and delivery of workshops, certificate programs, on-line courses, publications, training products and job-aids. Since 1977, The Training Clinic has trained over 200,000 people on five continents in train-the-trainer techniques and other topics including interpersonal, sales, management development, communication, administrative and self-management skills workshops.
As a consultant, trainer and designer with over 30 years of experience, Maria specializes in performance consulting, management development, the train-the-trainer process and marketing the training function. Maria has conducted hundreds of workshops for a wide variety of industries including government, retail, manufacturing, hospitality & food service, financial and non-profit. In addition to public and in-house workshops, Maria regularly facilitates webinars, workshops and certificate workshops for Training Magazine and ATD. She is author of many white papers and articles on learning and development best practices. Maria is a very engaging trainer in the classroom, modeling the skills she teaches and blending examples from her breadth of corporate experience with just the right amount of humor!
About Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith is Managing Partner of The Training Clinic, a training consulting firm specializing in state-of-the art design, delivery, management and evaluation of training through development and delivery of workshops, certificate programs, on-line courses, publications, training products and job-aids. Since 1977, The Training Clinic has trained over 200,000 people on five continents in train-the-trainer techniques and other topics including interpersonal, sales, management development, communication, administrative and self-management skills workshops.
Melissa has extensive preparation in adult learning theory, workshop facilitation and instructional design. Her methodology, which is based on action learning principles, is designed uniquely for each client and is tailored for a specific purpose and output. In addition to public and in-house workshops, Melissa regularly facilitates webinars, workshops and certificate workshops for Training Magazine and ATD. She is co-author of Temperament and Type Dynamics: The Facilitator's Guide, Quick Guide to the 16 Personality Types and Teams, and Quick Guide to the 16 Personality Types in Organizations and author of many white papers and articles on learning and development best practices. Melissa is a fun, dynamic presenter and course designer who stimulates individual participation, group involvement and learning.