Learning Design for Remembering and Use, Part 1

President, Learning Peaks LLC
Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeTue, Jul 26, 2022 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Click below for Part 2 Learning Design for Remembering and Use, Part 2 |
When we design instruction, we typically hope that participants will remember what they learn and use it back on the job. It makes little sense to teach people how to analyze, make decisions, solve problems, and so forth and not have it influence performance on the job, right? Except…
The bad news is that research shows that often, what we teach doesn’t adequately influence job performance. One major reason is that we don’t use learning tactics that promote the brain processes (encoding, storage, and retrieval) needed for remembering and use.
In this session, we'll discuss how human memory, especially encoding, storage, and retrieval, work and the implications for designing instruction. Participants will learn what research evidence tells us about:
- How human memory works
- Why it’s relatively harder to remember and easier to forget
- The instructional tactics that make remembering and use more likely
This is the first half of a two-part series on designing for remembering and use. In Part 2, we’ll use Part 1 knowledge to analyze and use specific design tactics that improve remembering and use, based on Patti’s books.
What attendees said... Emily Jackson: Thanks Patti! This was great. I'm enrolled for the next one. Layna: AWESOME! Thank you!! W. Craig Henry: Thanks Patti & Gary! RosaB: Thank you Gary, worth the wait! sfree: WOW! This is great information. Something I need to get in my long-term memory. =) Paula Cancro: absolutely worth waiting for! Thanks Patty and Gary Kath Cherrie: Patti - so worth starting my day at 4am to be part of your session. What was the best idea or most important idea you learned? Sonia Thomas: The graphic showing the three sections of memory development make how it works clear. Emily Jackson: Best idea is that I have discovered Patti and can't wait to learn more. Good stuff. sfree: That there IS A WAY to conquer the information overload that is so prevalent, and simple steps to take Ruth: It's information I'm going to be bringing back to my team Tanis: "We can't pour information into people's heads" LDavis: being cognizant of design to ensure the information can make it to long term memory. Jessie: Spacing, repetition, and attaching emotion Mary: Resources on cognitive load Kate Herzog: Make it emotionally memorable Theresa B: thank you - this was a fantastic session. cant wait for session two! DJ: The importance of processing for LTM Kathi W.: Importance of encoding learning to retain it. |
About Patti Shank, Ph.D., CPT
Patti Shank PhD is the author of Write Better Multiple-Choice Questions to Assess Learning, Write and Organize for Deeper Learning, Practice and Feedback for Deeper Learning, and Manage Memory for Deeper Learning. She’s an internationally recognized instructional designer, researcher, and learning analyst who makes these tactics clear and actionable in her books and courses.
Books by Patti Shank, Ph.D., CPT

Books by Patti Shank, Ph.D., CPT