BizLibrary Video Lessons

Welcome to the Developing B-Players Into Top Performers video series! Managers typically spend most of their energy working with their high performers -- their superstars -- or with their low performers, trying to improve results. As a result, the middle tier of employees -- the people who show up and get their work done -- get ignored. In this video lesson, we will look at the tiers of employees and explore why B-players often don't get the attention and nurturing appropriate to their high potential to contribute.
Welcome to the "Workplace Safety: The Cost of Saving Time" video lesson meant to explain the importance of taking your time for ensuring the safety of you and those around you. In this lesson, viewers will learn about five key steps they should follow to help them do their work properly and efficiently. From planning ahead to reviewing your work, there’s a lot you can do to help prevent mistakes and promote safety while doing your job. By embodying the tips from this lesson, you’ll be a safer, more productive worker.
Welcome to the "Workplace Mental Health: Coping Strategies" video lesson intended to supply learners with tools for appropriately dealing with their mental health challenges. This lesson is the fifth of six in the "Workplace Mental Health" series, which explains how to set an organizational culture that supports mental health. During this lesson, viewers will learn what coping skills are and come to understand that there can be both positive and negative coping skills—but only positive ones should be leveraged. In addition, learners will become familiar with everyday coping skills they can incorporate into their routines, as well as coping skills they can apply in specific moments of difficulty.
In this lesson, we look at Excel 2019's great new image features, including Funnel and Map Charts and the ability to import scalable SVG images and 3D models.
Welcome to What Is the GDPR? This video lesson defines the General Data Protection Regulation, explains to whom it applies, and describes why it’s important follow. It's the first of two lessons in the Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) series. Because this is a big change from the previous 1995 Data Protection Directive, it’s critical to be up to date on the current standards for personal data protection and privacy. From this lesson, viewers will learn about key terms—like data protection assessments and the right to portability—and how they apply to be compliant with the GDPR. Keywords: data security, IT security, data protection
Geography is central to identity and plays an important role in how people make sense of the world. In the global world of today, it is likely that you will come into contact with more and more co-workers, customers, community members and other stakeholders who come from different parts of the country or globe. As this happens, it becomes more critical for you to recognize how geographic identity and biases influence you, your team, and community members.
Welcome to the ‘Understanding Employee Motivation’ video lesson meant to convey how knowing what employees value can improve how you give recognition. This lesson is the second of four in the ‘Motivating Employees with Recognition’ video course meant to describe the importance of recognition for improving employee morale and work performance. From this lesson, leaders will learn how to ask the right questions to pin down the extrinsic and intrinsic factors that motivate their employees. By acquiring this critical information, leaders will be able to better serve their employees and foster greater productivity and a positive work culture.
Two-factor authentication is an authentication mechanism to double-check that your identity is legitimate. Two-factor authentication is strongly recommended.
This video is designed to be watched before the other Tool School episodes, to ensure brainstorm sessions are set up to produce the most effective results.
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