Microlearning Videos - #3 Unbundle Rare Expertise - Microlearning 10 Big Impact Areas 10 Big Impact Areas for Microlearning

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    There are rare and narrow expertise areas for which only a few people qualify. The go-to expertise knowledge is locked in the minds of these experts.
  • Path to Expertise
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“We have to wait for Joe. He is the only one who can answer that question.” 

There are rare and narrow expertise areas for which only a few people qualify. The go-to expertise knowledge is locked in the minds of these experts.  Unique and one-of-a-kind research experts - scientists and researchers or legal experts are some examples. We cannot replicate their knowledge. But what do we do to make knowledge accessible? In Harvard, it is now a requirement that professors learn how to translate their expertise knowledge into easy-to-use-and-understand level. It may not be the core key formulas, but questions such as the value, usage, applications and simple ways to state the benefits or the challenges of the formula. These are ways of presenting expertise that help others to appreciate the value. These can be applied in this areas. 

  • Legacy Items - sunset, outdated and legacy products as well as processes
  • Values and Benefits Q&A - sample benefits and opportunities of expertise 
  • Impacts - expertise knowledge could impact current or future revenues and costs to the business

Related blog: Expertise: Why the Odds Are Stacked Against Novices - Tip #93

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