How to Hang with VR - The New Kid on the Training Block
Brella Learning

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So you know you want to incorporate virtual reality into your training. Everybody wants to bring in the new kid and have virtual reality (VR) on their team because the tech is innovative and memorable.

VR training experiences have a proven higher retention rate, with retention gains reaching 75% in comparison to standard video, eLearning, or textbook training. VR simulated training has made its way into retail stores, car assembly factories, police academies, all the way to Olympic athlete training. 

The possibilities are endless. But how do you turn your VR training idea into reality, and who do you turn to? This new kid isn’t like any training you’ve worked with in the past. VR is not a one-size-fits-all delivery method, nor is it built for quick turnarounds. But here’s the real reality. It’s an investment, and investing in something implies longevity and appreciation in value. Choosing to incorporate VR into your training curriculum or course is not a choice made lightly, nor should it be.

This guide is designed to help you set realistic expectations for the VR production process, know what to look for in a great VR development partner, and understand the process of production planning for your next VR training module.

Click below to download this  White Paper.

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