Fun Is the New Competitive Advantage
By Dr. Bob Nelson, President, Nelson Motivation @DRBOBNELSON1

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"Work" and "fun" have historically been considered polar opposites. It was thought that you can work or you can have fun, but you can't do both at the same time--or in the same place. Work is what you do for your paycheck and fun is what you do on the weekend. Most of us must work to earn money to live, and sometimes enjoying the work we do seems like a luxury we can't afford. Or can we?

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As companies calibrate the balance between remote and in-office work, company cultures may be facing their greatest challenge in generations.

Temporary work-from-home policies are maturing into more permanent hybrid work models with some mix of at-home and at-office schedules. 65% of those employees that have been working from home during the pandemic want to continue to do so; 58% of those same employees say they will quit if forced to return to a central office to work. They’ve seen that remote work can work and do not want to return to having a daily commute which they view as a waste of time.

Many of the elements that defined a company’s culture just a few years ago are much less effective today. The hybrid workplace requires a new approach for fostering and sustaining a healthy company culture.

Join multi-million copy best-selling author Dr. Bob Nelson and Mario Tamayo as they share the six most important elements of fostering and sustaining any company culture in a hybrid work environment—and how you can ensure your team is productive, collaborative, and connected no matter where they are located—or when they work.

You’ll discover:
  •     Stats about Today’s Workforce
  •     What is a Hybrid Workplace?
  •     6 Keys to Managing a Hybrid Workforce
  •     The Future of Hybrid Work
  •     Q&A 

  1. All webinar registrants will receive a complimentary article “Engaging Employees Today: More Than Just Measurement”
  2. The first 100 webinar attendees will receive a complimentary copy of 1001 Ways to Engage Employees.
  3. All webinar attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the presenters’ latest book, Work Made Fun Gets Done! Easy Ways to Boost Energy, Morale, and Results.

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