How to Bring Employees Back Into a Hybrid Workplace
By Dr. Bob Nelson, President, Nelson Motivation @DRBOBNELSON1
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As we enter the post-pandemic era, most of us will find the workplace has changed. Remote work, which had been a dream for many workers, became a reality over the past year, as at least 42 percent of the U.S. workforce shifted to working virtually full-time from home. Now that the pandemic is subsiding, the Conference Board reports that 40 percent of employers are planning to have workers return to the office, but 61 percent of white-collar employees say they would like their company to let them continue to work remotely indefinitely, and of that number, almost 30 percent of working professionals indicate they will quit if they are told to return to the office.
Download this artcile for some best practices recommended by Dr. Bob Nelson.
Download this artcile for some best practices recommended by Dr. Bob Nelson.
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