The Practical Guide to Flipping Your Classroom

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Engaging Your Students through Unconventional Teaching and Online Technology

In the last decade, academic institutions at all levels have begun introducing nontraditional pedagogies that combine traditional brick-and-mortar teaching with online, on-demand learning. These new approaches to teaching, referred to as “blended learning,” have been driven by advances in video technology, increasing network speed, and changes in student expectations. They aim to improve student engagement, knowledge retention, and ultimately, academic achievement.

Among all of the approaches to blended learning, one has garnered more media attention, reported more tangible results, and gained the support of more educators than any other — the “flipped classroom.” In just the last four years, flipping the classroom has evolved from an obscure experiment to a mainstream model for improving the student learning experience in universities and school districts around the world.

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Note:  This was a great session.  For the 2021 updated version, please click here.

Have you heard? The latest buzz in employee training is turning the traditional classroom teaching structure on its head.

After a decade of proving its worth in higher education, the “Flipped Classroom” has finally come to the workplace. But as organizations begin to embrace the flipped learning model for employee development, the first questions are often practical — how does it work, and where to begin?

To give you a head start — and get you thinking about ways you can make the flip in your own learning and development programs — be sure to join Panopto’s Steve Rozillis for this top-to-bottom review of the flipped classroom.

You’ll learn:
  • How flipped learning rearranges the structure of the traditional classroom
  • The numbers behind why more and more L&D teams are making the flip
  • Tips for how to create and distribute pre-class lecture videos
  • Ideas for what you can do with all your newly-opened in-class time.
  • And real flipped learning use cases from other organizations

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