Learning Analytics:
Measurement Innovations to Support Talent Development


John mattox
Managing Consultant, Gartner
Webinar Recording Details
  • Category
  • Date and Time
    Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
  • Want Access?
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Learning analytics is changing learning and development (L&D) departments dramatically, and the departments that effectively leverage analytic processes will create substantial competitive advantage for their organizations.  This webinar focuses on defining new measurement needs and describing new analytic solutions that can dramatically boost the impact of talent development programs.  John will share insights based on CEB research and best practices formulated while deploying world-class learning analytics tools.  

Critical areas of focus include:
  • Gathering measures that serve as leading indicators of success, isolating the impact of programs
  • Developing actionable results for C-suite decision making
  • Using technology to provide instant insights

Learning analytics is an indispensable tool for generating tangible value for organizations.  Analytics is the only way L&D can link learning to business impact. Analytics is the only way that L&D can answer questions when the C-suite calls. It is critical to the future of L&D.  Attend this webinar to learn how.

About John R. Mattox, II, Ph.D.

John is a Managing Consultant with the Metrics That Matter team at Gartner and serves clients by helping them develop measurement strategies and determine the impact of training programs.  In February 2014, CEB purchased KnowledgeAdvisors where John was the Director of Research. In 2017 Gartner purchased CEB. Prior to joining KnowledgeAdvisors in March 2010, John led training evaluation teams at KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Arthur Andersen for 12 years.  Recently, he co-authored a book with his colleagues titled, Learning Analytics: Measurement Innovations to Improve Employee Development.  In 2014 he co-authored a book with Jac Fitz-enz entitled Predictive Analytics for Human Resources. He lives in Franklin, TN with his wife and three children.

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