Looking for the recordings?  Please make sure you are logged in to TrainingMagNetwork.com then scroll down to the description of the sessions near the bottom of this page and click on the red "View Recording" of the session you'd like to view.  

To all registrants of The Modern Learning Architect, please go to the Workshop Activities and Collaboration Site for more resources, information and to reach out to Ray with any questions (Available thru September of 2022). 

The Modern Learning Architect
How to Design, Deliver and Implement for Modern Learners
Fridays, March 11, 18 & 25 - 9 AM Pacific / Noon Eastern

A 3 session online workshop for trainers, designers, facilitators, leaders, and those who desire to adopt new modern methods in learning and design.  Access the live sessions, and bonus resources for free - The Modern Learning Architect is free to members with the MembershipPLUS benefits package in Training Magazine Network, a $795 value.  Log in to TrainingMagNetwork.com and click below to upgrade your membership and receive the 20+ additional community benefits of MembershipPLUS.

Whether you are new or experienced in learning roles and tasks, you are surrounded by major themes appearing in the Learning and Development (L&D) space that call attention and dominate discussions. These trends revolve around short learning, learning at work, learners as contributors, socialization, digital skills, hybrid learning, learning with empathy and transparency, and new technologies that accelerate these shifts and innovations.

This workshop series will update your knowledge and provide you with tips and tools, templates, examples, cases, and resources to help create a deeper experience of new skills and expertise. This aims to aid you to shift your focus from design, development, and delivery to organizing a learning architecture for the modern learning environment. You will learn how to apply multiple methods that will accelerate learners' ability to learn how to solve problems, search for answers, contribute to knowledge and experience, curate information, learn in hybrid conditions, and select different technologies and platforms for their learners’ needs.
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It's not too late to register for the remaining 2 live workshop sessions with JD Dillon. It's not too late to register for Session 3 of JD's workshop! Please log in to TrainingMagNetwork.com and return to this page.  Select "View Recording" you'll be automatically registered for the next session on Friday, Jan. 25 and get immediate access to the recordings.  

Session 1, recorded on Friday, Jan. 11 and Session 2 recorded on Friday, Jan. 18 are posted below in the "Dates & Times" area.  

This benefit is available to MembershipPLUS TrainingMagNetwork members.

Workshop Bonuses
  • Attend the Masters’ Workshop and obtain Ray’s resource guide on “25 New Learning Skills Never Taught Before”, and “15 Micro-Videos on Modern Learning Practices.”
  • Receive Ray’s eBook (300 pages) on Workflow Learning (2020). 
  • Special Bonus: Small group mentoring session with Ray
    Relative to the scheduled dates of the workshop, Ray will be holding two (2) 30-minute Sessions. We encourage those with projects, questions, or needs assistance to join the small group mentoring session. The schedule will be posted a week before the first session. 
  • Cohort conversations and project sharing for the full experience of being an architect.*
Session 1
Digital and Fast, Lower Cost

Short, fast, ready-to-use learning, as a must, needs to be digital. However, the old-fashioned / more traditional-leaning designers and developers still think and do learning akin to a face-to-face environment.  In our first session, we'll learn, develop and apply:
  • How to Thrive in the Digitalization of Work and Learning - Digital Skills
  • How to Harness Instant, Short, and Small Content – Microlearning

Today’s work approach is mostly digital. Our challenge is how to architect a learning environment where learners survive and succeed because they are capable of “thinking” and “acting” at digital speeds. We will cover the how-to’s of the following - identifying the barriers to digital skills development; adding enabler tools and methods in our environment; shifting cultures and mindsets; cutting learning cost down to 50%; utilizing your new-found architect tools and skills; and, what platforms and software push speed. 

Session 2
Experience Sharing - Fast, Reliable 

No amount of training and learning programs can teach workers and learners ALL that they need. But the old-fashioned designers and developers insist that they provide “all” the correct answers. Consequently, courses are often late in delivery, slow, and grow old quickly. They are stuck with the overproduction of content, and not enough opportunity for learners and workers to learn from each other. We'll learn to develop and apply:
  • How to Deepen Social and Collaborative Learning - Experience Sharing
  • How to Curate Overwhelming Knowledge and Experience - Curation

In the digital work environment, we “unstuck” ourselves and move rapidly towards reliable, flexible, useful, and context-ready answers from our experiences and those of others.  We will cover the following how-to’s- removing the clutter of immense yet useless collaboration and focus on contributions of reliable answers; designate all workers as “experts” - so they can contribute; how to architect an environment with simple and fast experience sharing tools and technologies.  

Session 3
Simultaneously Work and Learn - Readiness

Learning and doing are now “flattened” or “compressed” together. In the digital work environment, the act of doing the work is also about learning. At the heart of this shift is the demand by organizations to cut training time (useless and costly ones) from solving problems. We'll learn to develop and apply:
  • How to Learn while Fixing, Solving, and Improving Work - Workflow Learning
  • How to “Rig”, “Hack”, “Steal” and UnPlatform your Software - Technologies

The culture of “readiness” is presently brought about by uncertainties like the supply chain problem, high statistics on resignations, difficulty to hire people, and the changing values of employees. We will cover - where to find the opportunities to help workers and learners assimilate the culture of readiness; how do you design architecture learning so it is flattened or compressed to integrate with work; how do you champion technologies that allow you to be better at achieving a flexible, agile, and flattened learning and work.   


*One week before each webinar session, it is highly recommended you join self-driven cohort conversations and project sharing for the full experience of being an architect.  The cohorts will be a combination of discussions, sharing of resources, and completion of micro-exercises. The main purpose is to provide you with a new and exciting sampling of platforms and solutions that allows you to be a new learning architect.  Vignettes Learning will reach out by email to all registrants with more information about the cohort and mentor bonus sessions.  

All Sessions - Time: (90 Minutes)

This benefit is available to MembershipPLUS TrainingMagNetwork members.

Workshop Fee

Access the recordings & resources for free - The Modern Learning Architect is free to MembershipPLUS members or higher a $795 value.

With a MembershipPLUS level TMN membership for $95, you'll receive all additional benefits of our MembershipPLUS level membership!

Already a MembershipPLUS level member or higher?  Please log in to TrainingMagNetwork.com and return to this page to register.  

Questions? Please email us at members@trainingmagnetwork.com, or use the contact us link below.