Mobilizing for Mobile:
The Challenges and Opportunities Learning Decision Makers Need to Know


VP, Design Solutions, Aptara
Mike stacy 2012
Executive Vice President, Mobile Solutions, Aptara
Webinar Recording Details



Most smart phone users check their phones a whopping 150 times a day, and tablet shipments surpassed desktop PCs and notebooks in fourth quarter 2012, according to The Meeker report. Clearly, mobile devices have become an integral part of people’s lives—and many of them now want the option of getting their workplace training on these mobile devices. But it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Join us  for this complimentary Webinar, sponsored by Aptara, and discover the key challenges organizations need to understand and address before taking their content mobile. In this Webinar, guest speakers Mike Stacy, executive vice president of Mobile Solutions, and Nailesh Sampat, vice president of Design Solutions, Aptara, will explore four of the most common issues confronted by learning organizations considering mobile deployment:
  • BYOD (bring your own device) from a content developer’s perspective. If allowing employees to be trained on their own personal devices, what conversation do you need to have with your IT department?
  • How to make legacy content mobile-friendly and the difference between content conversion and content redevelopment
  • Filling the gap between ILT and WBT. How best to take flat content - such as training manuals – mobile and make them engaging
  • Preparing new content to support the range of potential devices

About Nailesh Sampat

As Vice President of Design Solutions at Aptara, Nailesh consults with clients in designing long-term content strategies, migrating content from legacy platforms to multi-delivery platforms, and establishing mobile portability. 12 years in the learning and performance industry prepared Nailesh to handle complex content technology challenges. He develops strategies that future-proof clients’ content, ensure a lower cost of maintenance, and instill flexibility for delivery to web and mobile outlets.

About Mike Stacy

Mike leads Aptara’s mobile content development and delivery initiatives. Having previously led Aptara’s global sales organization and eLearning business unit, Mike has a proven track record in growing business units and driving sizeable opportunities in new markets. As the head of Mobile Solutions, he is responsible for leveraging Aptara’s content technology, mobile, HTML5, and interactive teams  of subject matter experts and developers to support mobile solution sales across the publishing and corporate market segments. He joined the company in November of 2006 and has over 25 years of experience growing profitable global service sales, developing next-generation client relationships and delivering improved customer satisfaction. 

Prior to Aptara Mike was part of the executive team at PRIMEDIA, where he developed innovative learning delivery and documentation solutions, growing revenues to $75M, and leading a team of 125 sales and support personnel. Mike also led sales efforts at Ninth House Networks, an eLearning company, growing its customer base by 300%. Prior to Ninth House Networks, Mike held senior management roles at Thomson Learning and Crisp Learning.

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