Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeTue, Mar 29, 2011 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Whether you are creating leadership development programs or looking for ways to improve your own leadership, utilizing neuroscience and social science breakthroughs can help ensure peak performance results. Can leaders optimize stress for themselves and their teams? Will leaders be able to build cognitive fitness? How can new science help organizations lead change management while boosting employee engagement? Leaders expecting more from their workforce need to know what works and what doesn't for creating motivation and replenishing energy. Keys for program design include brain-based skills for overcoming resistance, sparking fresh thinking and resilience.
About Judith Blair
Judith Blair, CEO Brains at Work was a stand up comedian playing the "straight man" role to born-funny Marilyn Martinez. Facing comedy club hecklers and drunks prepared her for corporate classroom training. Blair's background in education and HR provides facility to support design teams for E Learning, mobile delivery, social learning and individualized performance programs.