You’ve found your team’s next superstar — that new hire with the right mix of expertise and enthusiasm with a ton of potential to help your business do great things. But unlocking all that promise takes more than just handing them a laptop and assigning them a desk.   More compelling than a handbook and more cost-effective than on-location events and seminars, video is one of the best employee onboarding investments a company can make. With the right video platform and onboarding program in place, employees learn more, feel more connected and remain loyal longer — all at a significant cost savings to the company. Find out more in this new free guide to using video to support employee onboarding!
As today's organizations stare down the challenges of ever-increasing compliance regulations, unpredictable turnover, and rapidly expanding cultural and learning style changes among employees, companies are looking for new ways to automate and scale their training efforts. More and more, they're finding that help in video. Adaptable to both formal and informal learning needs, video overcomes today's most common training challenges. It helps instructors increase training quality, speed and effectiveness — all while significantly lowering program costs. But of course, today's learning and development professionals already understand the potential that technology can offer in the modern training environment. Their real challenge? Convincing their organizations to do more. In this paper, we help L&D practitioners tackle that challenge head on, including: • 5 benefits that help convince your decision makers to use video in more ways • 14 ideas for supporting and scaling formal and informal learning with video • 1 technology — the video platform — that simplifies the use of video for L&D Video training is no longer a novel idea. It's the new normal. Make sure your organization isn't missing out. Click below to download this White paper.
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