Speaker: Julie Winkle Giulioni

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Julie Winkle Giulioni
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Julie Winkle Giulioni has spent the past 25 years improving performance through learning. She’s partnered with hundreds of organizations to develop and deploy innovative training products that are in use worldwide. Julie is well known and well regarded for her creative, one-of-a-kind solutions that consistently deliver bottom-line results. As co-founder and principal of DesignArounds, Julie leads multidisciplinary teams that create award-winning electronic and instructor- led training. She is an author and respected speaker on a variety of topics, including performance improvement, leadership, sales, and customer service. Previously Julie was the director of product development for AchieveGlobal, one of the world’s largest commercial training and development companies. She has also held training management positions in financial services and retail organizations, taught marketing at the secondary and post-secondary level, and served as a department chair at Woodbury University.


  • Full Name
    Julie Winkle Giulioni
  • Job Title
    Co-Founder, Principle, DesignsAround

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