Speaker: Mark Griffiths

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Mark Griffiths
FL, United States
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Mark Griffiths is a client partner at Newleaf Training and Development and heads their Orlando, FL office.  With nearly 20 years experience within the industry across the U.S. and Europe, he has partnered with global, publicly-traded organizations; educational entities — both private and public; government and quasi-government entities as well some large non-profit organizations to engage the hearts and minds of employees at all levels.  Although headquartered in Valencia, CA Mark heads up Newleaf Training and Development’s eLearning strategy and has a proven track record of authoring, designing and implementing real-world solutions for the clients the company serves around the world. On a personal level Mark is originally from England and is married with a young daughter. He’s a Manchester United fan but don’t let them keep you from attending the webinar.


  • Full Name
    Mark Griffiths
  • Job Title
    Client Partner


  • Name
    Newleaf Training and Development

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