Speaker: Rich Horwath

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Rich Horwath
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Rich Horwath is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author on strategy. As the CEO of the Strategic Thinking Institute, Rich leads executive teams through the strategy process and has helped more than 100,000 managers around the world develop their strategic thinking skills. A former Chief Strategy Officer and professor of strategy at the graduate level, he brings both real-world experience and practical expertise to help companies build their strategic capabilities. Rich’s work has been featured in the Harvard Business Review and he has appeared on ABC, NBC and FOX TV. He is recognized in the textbook Strategy in the 21st Century as one of the key contributors in the history of strategic management and has been introduced by Chief Executive Magazine as “The world’s foremost expert on strategic thinking.”


  • Full Name
    Rich Horwath
  • Job Title
    CEO, Strategic Thinking Institute

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