Speaker: Michelle Vazzana

Michelle vazzana
Michelle Vazzana
United States
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Michelle Vazzana is a partner at Vantage Point Performance and co-author of Cracking the Sales Management Code: The Secrets to Measuring and Managing Sales Performance, published by McGraw Hill in 2011. Vazzana has more than 28 years of successful sales and management experience in the major account environment. Vazzana has personally trained and coached thousands of salespeople, sales managers, and sales leaders, as well as designed and facilitated programs for effective sales management, coaching and reinforcement, face-to-face selling, major account sales strategy, and telesales. Vazzana also designs and implements global end-to-end engagements for clients that create the environment to ensure long-term performance change. 


  • Full Name
    Michelle Vazzana
  • Job Title


  • Name
    Vantage Point Performance

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