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How can you use psychology to unlock exceptional leadership? Download the Psychology of Leadership. This ebook dives into the core essence of leadership and social psychology, exploring essential concepts such as active self-awareness, inclusive leadership, and the power of genuine connection. In addition, you’ll learn how leaders can better navigate the intricate dynamics of motivation for both themselves and their teams. The Psychology of Leadership ebook also shares valuable insights for into effective change management strategies, essential for steering your teams and organization through evolving landscapes. Whether you're an executive, HR professional, or manager looking to strengthen your leadership skill set, this is your guide to developing the leadership prowess needed to thrive in today's dynamic business environment and meaningfully understand, connect with, and motivate your people.
Research shows that pairing information with an activity can boost learning retention and create stronger engagement. However, we understand that it can be pretty time consuming to research activities all of the time! That’s why we’ve collected some of our favorites in this Mega Training Activity Guidebook. Check out some our favorite activities for New Managers, Onboarding, DE&I, and more!  Learners who participate in these activities are more likely to retain skills and information such as:   Delegation   Time Management   Active Listening   and much more!  Download our Mega Training Activity Guidebook for a full list of activities that strengthen information retention.
Dr. Bev Kaye will be introducing us to her Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em approach on May 29th! It now celebrates its 25th year.  The ideas are designed for you to help your managers hang on to their talent!  If you need some quick tips sooner the article attached might help!
AI is the way of the future. In fact, as you’ll learn in this paper, nearly 97% of L&D survey respondents say their organization is open to using it. But where can AI make the most impact for training teams and what solutions are available today? If these are the questions you’re asking, you’ve come to the right place. Qstream proudly sponsors Training Industry’s report, The AI Advantage in L&D: A Strategic Guide, which offers valuable insights and actionable strategies including: Insight into AI adoption & sentiment across L&D folks A helpful, less scary, explanation of the type of AI that has taken the world by storm The different training functions where AI technology can be leveraged for better results A thorough analysis of AI for training content creation, a top use case Best practices for implementing AI & pitfalls to avoid Download your free report today!
Being a good learning and development leader can mean wearing many hats, and one of those "hats" is often being a good storyteller. That’s because any program initiative, year-end report, or new training roll-out needs to be "sold" to a specific audience. After all, organizational learning is firmly rooted in the persuasion business. Learning leaders should use every resource at their disposal to help craft their story and using learning analytics is no exception. However, knowing how and why to use learning data in their favor can be tricky. This eBook breaks down the 4 elements of any great story and how they typically present themselves in an organizational learning setting. It also suggests useful metrics to study when looking at key analytical data to present and how they might be effective in crafting a learning story. And, finally, the typical audiences for these learning stories are broken down with ways of effectively communicating with each group. In this eBook, we explain how and why learning analytics can help shape the story of learning progress in an organization. Topics include: Identifying the elements of a great story Strategy tips for crafting an L&D story Useful metrics to study for both Push & Pull training methods Ways to reach specific audiences with data Potential dangers to avoid with data reporting
An in-depth study by Google looked at the 8 traits deemed most important for employees to possess. 7 out of those 8 were soft skills. Soft skills can be difficult to teach, but should be explored, practiced, and learned through trial and error—which makes gamified learning the perfect vehicle for soft skills training. Download this eBook to learn how to build scenarios-based branching games to train your workers on soft skills.
Start creating better courses by avoiding common visual design mistakes. In this guide, we've compiled the 15 most common visual design mistakes that instructional designers and eLearning developers encounter in their courses. Explore real-life examples of each issue and equip yourself with our tips on how to avoid and rectify them, enhancing the visual appeal and effectiveness of your courses. Download our guide and learn how to fix: Poor composition Ineffective layout Inappropriate fonts Bad gradients …and eleven other common pitfalls!
Did you know that 33% of new hires quit before they reach six months at their new organization? Onboarding is a vital part of the employee orientation process and can improve retention. New hires need the right tools and information to become a productive member on their team and at the organization. However, for many, onboarding stops after Day 1.  In this infographic, you’ll learn:  How to begin onboarding before an employee’s official start date  What should be done prior to arrival, on the first day, the first week, and the first month of employment  Why onboarding should continue for up to 6 months or more
Learning and development leaders face the perennial challenge with linking learning measurement and broader business objectives. For many organizations, the metrics on learning effectiveness have been for the sake of improving its own process. But L&D doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The impact learning has throughout the organization is increasingly a curiosity for C-suite. In this research summary, more than half of the respondents state that they have linked learning to business outcomes, and as a result, are now seen as a strategic business partner. Simultaneously, nearly half stated that they lack the budget, tools, and time to deliver that level of analysis and map learning activities to business change. This study features market research and surveys that illustrate where a sampling of the L&D industry is succeeding and falling short. Brainier has teamed with The Brandon Hall Group to create this Research Summary. In this research summary, we focus on how organizations can make progress toward deeper analysis of learning objectives and the role they play in driving business impact. Topics include: The current state of learning measurement Complexities to the analytical process Key Questions to consider Strategy suggestions to avoid common mistakes How The Brainier LMS can help
A study by the National Center for Education Statistics revealed that well-designed instruction can increase learning outcomes by up to 25%. Unfortunately, it also showed that only 40% of companies believe their learning strategy is effectively measured.  Far from being a mere employee perk, corporate learning plays a strategic role for any business striving for competitiveness, innovation, and agility.  In this eBook, we take a hands-on approach to learning strategy, specifically six pillars that can take your initiative to the next level. You can also optimize your learning budget, resources, and outcomes and demonstrate the value and impact of your learning programs to your stakeholders.  It’s time to get started. The competitive landscape demands nothing less.
Starting a career in instructional design can be exciting, yet challenging. To help you get up and running, we've collected all of the guides, checklists, resources, and tips you'll need in your new profession. And we made all of them interactive, so your first steps in eLearning will be not only enlightening but fun!
You may have heard the adage, "Employees don’t quit jobs - they quit managers." DDI, a leadership research firm, conducted a study finding that there’s truth to that claim, with 57% of former employees citing that they left their position due to poor management. BizLibrary is dedicated to helping your organization avoid this issue by giving your new managers the skills and resources they need to be successful from day one! Download our infographic for a step-by-step guide on how to develop a New Manager Training program!
With the world of work rapidly shifting to a skills-focused lens, you need to evolve your approach to developing workforce capabilities before necessity does it for you. Transforming into a skills-based organization (SBO) is a complicated, emerging process, but with the right tools and strategies, a little guidance, and a future-focused mindset, your business will reap the benefits.   In this 15-minute introduction, you’ll get prepped for the SBO journey with answers to your initial burning questions, including:  What are the benefits of an SBO?  How do you become one?  What can you do today to start your transformation?
What a wild time it is in Learning and Development right now! Just like in nearly every other industry, L&D has undergone a profound transformation due to recent significant events such as the pandemic, the surge in remote work (and gradual return to the workplace), heightened expectations of the employee experience, and the overwhelming interest in artificial intelligence (AI). Amidst the whirlwind of these events, there are four key trends that seem to capture the attention of learning leaders: a stubbornly uncertain economy, the next wave of inclusion, blended learning delivered more efficiently, and the "headless" LMS. Through these emerging trends, it is evident that if learning leaders wish to find continued success in their L&D programs, they must remain committed to placing personalized experiences at the forefront. Now is the time to make learning even more personalized, relevant, and accessible. Download this free eBook to find out how. In this eBook, we focus on significant trends driving change in L&D. Topics include: How Generative AI plays a role in L&D Ongoing challenges in an uncertain economy How DEI&B is evolving Taking a blended learning approach How LMS companies are going "headless"
How well is your organization managing today’s rapid, unabated rate of change? According to employees, 41% don’t believe they have what they need to develop their skills, while 59% are on the lookout for more career guidance. So, it has never been more important for HR leaders to stay current with the latest trends and understand what they mean for their people and organization. Yet, more than 60% of organizations aren’t leveraging AI technology to optimize their talent programs. To help strengthen your organization’s talent management program, Cornerstone has gathered the latest intelligence on HR trends for 2024 and beyond. Read our new eBook, Remaking Work for a New World: 2024 HR Predictions, to learn: How leaders are using AI to map existing skills to content and improve instructional design How maturing practices in hybrid work will drive better collaboration Why companies are transforming the business into a skills marketplace for stronger workforce planning Why organizations are moving away from annual performance reviews How your organization can use predictive analytics to anticipate future business needs
In 2022, the global pharmaceutical market was valued at 1.48 trillion U.S. dollars. Let’s just say this market has experienced significant growth (and change) over the years and will continue to do so. To keep up with this pace, changes must be implemented to create effective learning experiences that improve understanding, knowledge retention and proficiency, while mitigating risk and protecting investments. This will empower employees and supercharge performance in the high-stakes pharmaceutical industry. One of the most pressing challenges is to find and implement an efficient and effective way to constantly upskill and reskill the entire workforce. This paper will explore the role training teams play in preparing employees to support the growth and change within the pharmaceutical industry.
Some people think PPT presentations are always boring. But think of a hammer, for instance. Does the fact that a hammer is a simple tool and everyone can use it make it any less useful? Like a hammer, PowerPoint is a tool. Whether your course will be useful depends not only on the software you use, but the degree to which your content is thought out and relevant to your learners.   Download our in-depth guide to discover:  5 steps to create an effective training course in PowerPoint Tips and tricks A collection of course authoring guides and checklists PPT shortcuts and useful resources
Has your organization fully embraced AI or do they feel held back? Even though it’s one of the top topics of the working world, integrating AI into your daily strategies can seem easier said than done. L&D professionals can use AI to: • create personalized training resources • generate course outlines • close skill gaps through seamless skill-building recommendations • translate and repurpose existing training content Using AI at work can lead to increased efficiency, improved retention due to a more balanced workload, and more! There are lots of reasons why your organization should jump on the AI train today, but if you're curious about how to make that happen, check out our infographic!
As companies from Alphabet to Zoom enforce "return to the office" policies, many L&D managers are being asked to adjust their training strategy. Sometimes, this involves reducing self-paced or virtual instructor-led training (VILT) in favor of more on-site instructor-led training (ILT) events. Unfortunately, not all workers are eager to return to in-person training. How can you overcome resistance and encourage people to come to training with an open mind and willingness to learn? Download this eBook for 5 guidelines that will help you develop a better on-site learning experience.
The rapid evolution of technology and the increase in remote work has transformed the educational landscape, offering innovative platforms for learning and development. Among these, LMSs and LXPs stand out as robust solutions. While both aim to facilitate learning, they differ significantly in their approach, features, and focus. Download this ebook to delve into the key features, benefits, and differences between these two platforms. From personalized learning paths to content creation, we illustrate how these platforms can transform your training initiatives and help you choose the right platform for your business objectives.
Download this special report loaded with additional findings from the study. Plus, you'll get insider tips for executive leaders and middle managers.
Developing a training program has always demanded a serious investment, so the overarching goal of a needs assessment is to give a credible estimate if these investments will pay off and make sure that learning can solve the problem. This template will provide you with spreadsheets that will help you to effectively conduct a needs analysis even if you’re doing it for the first time in your life.
Did you know that 40% of L&D managers reported that they were hoping to learn more about learning trends in 2024? If that’s you - you're in the right place! BizLibrary recently conducted a Trends in Training survey to learn more about what L&D managers' priorities are for the coming year. Interested to know how your peers are planning their 2024 learning programs? Check out our Trends in Training infographic to find out!
Looking to implement microlearning but not sure where to start? Or do you need some help identifying a microlearning use case that will enhance your existing training programs? Either way, we have great news: when it comes to microlearning, the possibilities are nearly endless. This guide shares nine of the top ways organizations are leveraging this science-backed practice to train and develop high-performing employees. From the primary use cases of knowledge reinforcement and assessments to boosting employee engagement and tracking performance, you’ll learn practical strategies you can implement right away to improve training effectiveness!
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