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What are your employees learning today? Or maybe a better question might be, are your employees learning today? If you aren't certain of the answer to either question, or the answer to either question is negative, you might have a problem. And the problem might not be your employees, either.
Is your learning strategy firing on all cylinders? We're currently in the process of benchmarking learning techniques and technologies used across multiple Training Magazine's Top 125 winners. During this one-of-a-kind webinar event, we'll share some discoveries from preliminary data on innovative best practices in such areas as proactively establishing an informal learning strategy, using mobile at the right time and for the right reasons, engaging participants in social learning communities, extending learning to partners and customers, creating macro-level blends; and much more.
When asked to identify the weakness in most e-learning, designers and students alike often note the failure to engage the learner’s attention as a chief problem. E-Learning is labeled boring; learners take the path of least resistance instead of thinking through the questions; completion is something to be checked-off a list rather than an indicator of proficiency. The problem is, "How do you motivate the learner while still doing the serious work of instruction?"
Over the next decade, organizations will experience the largest wave of retirements in history. To further impact turnover rates, Gen X and Gen Y workers on the average are leaving after only 5 and 2 years of services respectively.
During this session, you will discover tactics to create more meaningful communication with training requesters so that you can better understand the performance and results that the training is intended to support. You will learn the critical questions to ask that will allow you to move beyond the training talk and into conversation about organizational needs.
Sometimes discarding or letting go of seemingly efficient LMSs which significantly fail to meet business needs, provides a fresh start and changes the game to produce far better returns. Studies have shown that companies are systematically changing LMSs into newer and better suited learning systems to support newer learner needs and business demands.
Despite strong efforts in many organizations, women continue to be poorly represented in top leadership roles worldwide. This means many businesses are failing to reap the well-documented "gender dividend." So what are all these well-meaning companies doing wrong?
As many industries recover from a withering worldwide recession, organizations are focusing on new ways to expand the strategic contributions of their leaders. AchieveGlobal conducted research with 50 major companies to get a clear picture of what leadership development looks like - the challenges, goals, approaches and outcomes - and to share insights you can apply in your organization.
Despite economic conditions, unemployment levels, or any other business factor imaginable, your best employees - the ones you need most - want one thing from you, plain and simple: to support their growth and development. Study after study confirms that development is the single most powerful tool managers have for driving engagement, retention, productivity, and results. Yet, HR leaders know that career development is frequently the thing that gets sidelined unless or until the organization demands that some form be submitted during regular review cycles.
Bill Brewer will introduce participants to the basic concepts underlying Peter Block’s highly successful Flawless Consulting workshops. The principles are simple and practical.
Successful organizations understand that people are their most important assets. When high-performance businesses understand employees’ core skills and development needs, they’re more likely to achieve superior results. But building out a dynamic learning culture that really understands your employee needs is not a simple task.
Coaching is growing and growing. It’s finally here the ultimate opportunity to extend our value and brand as training professionals. Managers who coach extend the value of training and can be measured in terms of great organizational value. Far too long has gone by where the training professional has had to fight to quantify and validate our existence. Coaching has changed that!
Since the early days of "creativity training" and "problem solving," brain research has vastly enriched our understanding of the human mental process. New research findings with very practical, down-to-earth applications may well revolutionize our understanding of the ways people think, learn, and perform. Functions like social intelligence; emotional intelligence; practical intelligence; cognitive preference; neuroleadership; design psychology; and subliminal impacts of color, language, and narrative are opening up new ways to approach teaching, learning, and development.
There’s much frustration with the limited range of interactivity found in eLearning programs. Arbitrary multiple-choice and true-and-false questions, even when masquerading under flashy game-like interfaces, fail to engage learners’ attention. Worse yet, they usually fail to teach. Too often designers feel bound by the limits of actions available to the learner—senseless button clicking, random dragging, confusing entries. But, even working within the constraints of low-level authoring tools, it is possible to design eLearning activities that will engage, motivate, and captivate the learner’s imagination and enhance post-training performance.
Big data is not just for the IT department. What are some of the insights we can gather from big data that will affect how you plan your HR and Learning Strategy? How do you set up your learning initiatives to contribute to additional insights on performance in your organization?
A decade’s worth of executive surveys on innovation highlight a significant gap between what leaders say they want and what their organizations delivers. Over 80% of leaders surveyed believe innovation is important for their future success, but less than 30% are satisfied with their current level of innovation. So why, despite all the talking, have the leaders not given innovation the attention it requires? The short answer is that they have not had sustainable solutions—practical and reliable programs that deliver long-term, predictable results. Instead, they have had an endless array of partial answers. They are left with an alarming innovation gap.
Most videos in training and elearning are talking heads, lecture-type presentations or demonstration of a product or process. Case in point: your training director suddenly decides that it is good for the CEO to present an idea.
A 2012 report by Deloitte identified eight trends in human capital that will have the most business impact over the next 18 to 24 months. One of the trends identified was the development of next generation leaders.
If you’re a CLO or training leader you realize there are times when your clients are just checking-the-box and a death by PowerPoint is what they want. Part of being a leader is having a track record for results and - knowing what battles to pick. This means you can identify projects, initiatives, and curricula that really must - deliver results. And, you can develop sponsors who value the investment and are open to collaborating on a genuine training solution.
A study by eLearning News suggests that there is an increasing number of workers and employees who learn while on the job. Coupled with smartphones, tablets and laptops, learning and accessing knowledge becomes "use as you go" or "learn as you work."
This presentation will share the latest topics on the minds of L&D practitioners as it relates to emerging measurement practices including executive reporting, big data, social learning, scrap learning, strategic program measurement, prescriptive "Instant Insights," and building a business case for analytics. Glimpse into the latest trends and challenges on the minds of thought leaders and practitioners and glean creative insights to augment your learning analytics strategies in now and beyond.
A lot has been said about mobile learning and how it has already taken enterprise training by storm. However, it has become quite challenging to separate the noise from facts. If you are planning to roll-out your mobile learning initiative or even if you are already a veteran, you should join us at this webinar.
Content is only as good as the input your training development team uncovers to create it. You have skilled developers but if they aren’t getting the information they need their content will miss the mark.
Every organization that delivers employee training and development programs must deliver learning content. It’s not an optional part of training programs; in fact the content should be the central or most critical part of every employee development initiative. The challenge in today’s world is that traditional approaches to content might no longer help organizations find, develop and deliver the right content to the right employee at the right time.
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