Rocking the Digital Workplace - Communicating and Leading Virtually
by Cynthia Clay

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    Applying Technologies


This ebook addresses how to approach the dramatic changes involved in moving to a digital workplace, using cloud-based applications and document management. As Millennials flow into the workplace with their technological savvy, we’re going to continue to experience the drive toward more virtual workplaces.

This ebook covers issues around virtual leadership, digital communication practices, and how to resolve conflict often emerge in these disconnected settings.

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Achieving Results through Virtual Teams
As organizations continue the trend towards virtual workplaces and teams, managers quickly discover that leading teams with dispersed team members poses new challenges. Only 5% of companies today believe they have strong digital leaders in place (Deloitte). Virtual team members often report that they enjoy the autonomy and flexibility that working from home or a remote office may offer, but they also complain that they often feel both micro-managed and isolated from other team members.

Virtual leaders must attend to relationship, reliability, results, and recognition issues as they strive to communicate, take risks, and build connections across virtual distance. The rewards of getting this aspect of leadership right are immeasurable, from tangible cost-savings to enhanced productivity, increased innovation, and high levels of engagement. But these rewards only happen with committed attention and execution on the part of your organization's leaders.

What You Will Learn
After attending this one-hour webinar, you'll be able to:
  • Describe the underlying needs of virtual team members
  • Improve outcomes in the areas of relationship, reliability, results, and recognition
  • Leverage key leader behaviors to gain commitment and high impact
  • Implement a program to build the new breed of digital-ready leaders

Who Should Attend
This webinar has been designed for:
  • HR and Talent Leaders
  • Directors in Human Resources and Training & Development
  • Senior Leaders concerned about the effectiveness of their virtual teams
  • Anyone who wants to reap the benefits of a dispersed team and rock the digital workplace

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