Strategies, Solutions, and Skills for Becoming a Successful New Manager

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  • Path to Expertise
    Managing Talent


Congratulations on your new position! Being a manager is an exciting, rewarding, and challenging experience. While you're excited about your new role, you're also probably nervous. 

It's normal to be nervous. After all, you have a lot on your plate as a manager. On top of your own work, you might also be responsible for providing feedback, delegating tasks, managing former co-workers or friends, cultivating employee engagement, and motivating employees. 

Relationship management is the primary focus of your new role. Developing your emotional intelligence and working on skills like empathy, organizational awareness, emotional self-control, leadership, and strategic thinking are crucial to becoming a successful manager.

Many of these responsibilities might be new for you. So how should you get ready for this position? Cultivating the right mindset is a great place to start. You can also think through possible challenging scenarios and put some solutions down on paper. The New Manager Playbook is full of actionable advice like this to help you start thinking like a manager. 

In this eBook, you'll find: 
  • How to cultivate the right mindset for your new position
  • Essential skills of a successful manager 
  • The most common challenges new managers face and how to overcome them
  • Strategies to combat doubts or concerns about yourself
  • Prompts to help find solutions in challenging situations

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