Carbon Black Uses Moodle by eThink to Improve Onboarding with Role-Based Learning Pathways

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    Managing Learning Programs


Carbon Black is a leading security company that detects malicious behavior and helps organizations defend against them.

In this case study learn how Carbon Black uses Moodle by eThink to improve efficiencies in onboarding and professional development.

With Moodle by eThink, Carbon Black has created a role-based onboarding process, utilizes analytics and reporting for measurable learning, and has a centralized location to organize and easily share market knowledge.

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With the multitude of different technologies, tools, and strategies that are available for structuring and enhancing your professional education programs, it’s becoming increasingly important to stay aware of the technologies and trends driving the evolution of workplace learning.

Open-source learning platforms like Moodle and Totara make it incredibly easy to integrate innovative eLearning tools and strategies – including gamified content, badges, certificates, and best-of-breed content – that enhance the learning experience while providing learners with incentives to continuously develop their skillset.

During the session, you will learn:
  • About the latest eLearning trends, tools, and strategies to consider when building an engaging and future-proofed training program
  • How open-source platforms can be optimized to inspire a culture of learning in the workplace that aligns with business objectives
  • How open-source Moodle and Totara offer the flexibility, scale, and functionality to provide a scalable and interoperable learning platform

Please note: This webinar is a must-attend by those who are...
  • Evaluating their next learning platform and/or interested in the latest eLearning trends & strategies
  • Looking to update their existing knowledge of the Moodle & Totara Learning Management Systems
  • Have an interest in learning about different LMS/training platform options, especially open-source solutions

While Training Mag Network doesn't condone selling in our webinars, this session will illustrate how the Moodle & Totara learning platforms in particular allow training professionals to incorporate best-of-breed eLearning strategies to encourage employee collaboration and engagement in the workplace.

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