7 Training Games in HTML5

This free item is only available for logged in members.

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Upgrade your membership to the MembershipPLUS level and receive our 7 different HTML5 Games and all of the additional benefits of the MembershipPLUS level

You can use them as many times as you’d like. The content and the banners can all be changed. After you upgrade you will be able to download the zipped files and start using them immediately. The games are useful in classroom interactions, as a part of an eLearning exercise or test, or blended learning, editable to meet your needs. Log in and select “Upgrade”.

HTML5 Games can be added to your LMS or website, you can fully edit and reuse them in your training. The content and the banners can all be changed. 
  • Upgrade your membership to MembershipPLUS, to get access to the downloads of the zipped files, and instructions to start using them right away
  • The games are useful in virtual classroom interactions as a part of an eLearning exercise, test, or a blended learning
  • Editable to meet your needs

This free item is only available for logged in members.