DESIGNING LEARNING THAT WORKS - Using 70:20:10 effectively

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  • Path to Expertise
    Designing Programs



More and more businesses are adopting 70:20:10 to help build organizational strength. However, a question often posed is whether the approach is a theory of workplace learning, a way of cutting down on training costs, or a mantra to be followed slavishly.

Alternatively, is 70:20:10 simply ‘old wine in new bottles’ given that most Learning and Development (L&D) professionals think they already combine learning and work?

Some ask ‘why bother with 70:20:10 at all’?

Additionally, ‘what is it with this neat formula - 70, 20, 10’? People are suspicious of nice round numbers. Surely the reality of learning and performing is much too complex to be described in terms of simple ratios?

Despite all these criticisms, there’s a worldwide movement of L&D professionals who realize and acknowledge the value of 70:20:10.

This is not because it’s a mantra, an ideology or an end in itself, but because it enables them to connect more quickly and effectively to what really matters: learning and performing at the speed of business. Their work isn’t just about providing formal learning solutions. By using 70:20:10 as a reference model, more and more L&D professionals are co-creating solutions with their business

This ‘movement’ and new way of working with 70:20:10 makes L&D more relevant to their organizations.

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