Lou Russell - The Mental Game of Projects

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    Improving Performance


The Mental Game of Projects

Tiger Woods will be remembered as an exceptional golfer.  His legacy may also be that he made a big mistake and never returned back to his greatness – time will tell.  Why do you think he still remains so far from his earlier abilities?  His clubs?  His coach? His health issues? Everyone I ask says “it’s all in his head”.

Masters Details

Virtual Session: Friday, April 22, 2016
Time: 8:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Eastern


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As a very rookie golfer, I am fascinated and appalled by the way my mind gets in the way of my game.  I am aware that my mind also gets in the way of my success in life and business, including projects.  I speak more negatively to myself through my self-talk than anyone else has ever spoken to me.  So do you.
In business and organizations all over the world, we jointly agree to certain truths (that are actually lies) including:

About the Masters


The Reflections with the Masters series offer a unique opportunity to interact with your favorite top thought leaders in the field of learning and development.  In highly interactive, small group sessions, you can join your peers consider, reflect on and share ideas that foster innovative thinking and workplace applications.


"Incubate your ideas, provoke your mind and peek into how the best of the best think, interact, converse and operate."

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