I-Engage: Your Personal Engagement Roadmap

Path to ExpertiseCoaching and Leading
Do you wake up every Monday raring to go to work, full of new ideas, confident that you’ll be able to implement them, and passionate about what you do? If so, would you like to stay that way? And if not, doesn’t that sound pretty great?
Best-selling author, keynote speaker and bona-fide expert on employee engagement, Bob Kelleher has researched and reflected on these issues deeply. In his new book, I-Engage: Your Personal Engagement Roadmap" Bob offers valuable insights and even potential solutions. Click below to download the first chapter of this latest revelation. It begins...
Engagement is the key. Back in 2003, global consulting firm Towers Perrin (now Towers Watson) identified and defined an intriguing concept that would go on to revolutionize the way companies thought about their most important asset: their employees. Called “employee engagement,” it was originally loosely defined as “the capture of discretionary effort.” Discretionary effort, simply put, means going above and beyond at one’s job, or putting in additional effort, because one wants to do so.