The 9 Principles of Feedback: A Summary of 96 Million Data Points Gathered from 550 Organizations
Infographic from Dr. Matthew Champagne, the Survey Guy
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Transform "satisfied" members, customers, employees and students into LIFETIME fans. Discover deep insights by asking the right questions in the right way. Recapture lost time and money. These are the documented results of observing the 9 psychological principles that govern how people respond to requests for feedback.
The 9 Principles of Feedback is based on 96,000,000 data points gathered from 550 organizations. Simply DOWNLOAD this infographic and compare each step to your own surveys, quizzes, assessments and evaluation forms to identify the gaps. By understanding and applying each Principle, you will immediately increase participation rates, gather more accurate and meaningful results, and create an audience that WANTS to answer every question you ask.
The 9 Principles of Feedback is based on 96,000,000 data points gathered from 550 organizations. Simply DOWNLOAD this infographic and compare each step to your own surveys, quizzes, assessments and evaluation forms to identify the gaps. By understanding and applying each Principle, you will immediately increase participation rates, gather more accurate and meaningful results, and create an audience that WANTS to answer every question you ask.
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