Action-Based Learning — It’s the Future of Corporate L&D
eBook by myQuest

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What's the reality of training today? 

Poor engagement, low completion rates and next to no knowledge retention. Despite learning leaders aiming for the exact opposite. Here are the numbers:
  • 6.5% of learners complete their training (excluding mandatory training)
  • 87% of training is forgotten within one month of training
  • 80% of new skills are lost within one week of training if not used

Bridge the gap between corporate training and real work outcomes

How are we still getting training wrong? Corporate training programs are designed in a way that’s inherently flawed, focusing mainly on passive content delivery. Action-based learning helps bridge the gap between theory and practice, and leads to significantly higher knowledge retention and completion rates. 

Download the eBook and learn how to apply action-based learning to deliver a stellar ROI for your company.

Special Bonus: Check out our free Practical Guide to Using Action-Based Learning, designed especially for L&D professionals. 

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