The ROI of Game-Based Training - How Games can Improve Engagement, Participation, and Effectiveness
eLearning Brothers + The Game Agency

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Did you know that 80% of employees enjoy game-based learning at work more than traditional training methods? With so many employees working from home and many feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed, game-based learning can be that "magic elixir" that adds the right amount of fun needed.

Tapping into the power of play allows businesses to not only stimulate learning retention but also improve company culture. By applying gamification strategies, and adding game-based elements (games, points, badges, leaderboards, competition, rewards, etc.), companies can accelerate the learning process, improve retention rates, and promote a fun environment. 

Download this eBook to see how a well-known cosmetic company drove ROI by creating a gamified learning environment to effectively train its global sales team. You’ll learn how to apply the same gamification strategies - including making virtual onboarding more interactive and effective. 

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