Personality Type and Organizational Inclusion
A Research Report from The Myers-Briggs Company

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Many diversity and inclusion initiatives are unsuccessful or even counterproductive, especially if they focus on diversity at the expense of inclusion. To be included, an employee should be able to feel that they are valued by their organization, that they belong, that they are included by their co-workers and by their manager, and that they can be their authentic selves while at work. The role of the manager, and of leaders in general, is central to an individual employee’s experience of inclusion. Inclusive leaders will demonstrate a degree of humility, curiosity, openness, empathy, courage, and flexibility. They will be self-aware and use differences between individuals positively. Previous research suggests that inclusive leadership fosters greater employee engagement. Fostering employees’ perceptions of inclusion, in part by inclusive leadership, is important for organizational success.

Very little research has investigated the impact of personality on inclusion, or the link between personality and inclusive leadership behaviors. This study attempts to examine the relative importance of personality and other factors on employee perceptions of four aspects of inclusion:
  • The extent to which individuals feel they are included by their co-workers
  • The extent to which they feel they belong to, are ‘at home’ in, and are valued by their organization
  • The extent to which they feel they can be their authentic selves
  • The extent to which they feel their manager behaves in an inclusive way to them

Data was collected on 251 people who completed an online survey. Any respondents who were themselves managers or leaders were also asked questions about their own inclusive leadership style.

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