How To Engage Modern Learners:
When to "Push" and When to "Pull"


Founder and President, InSync Training
Webinar Recording Details


Does your personal expectation of learning align with how you learned 10, 20, or even 30 years ago?  Of course not.  Because you are a modern learner!  You have a choice in how you learn, and so do the learners you're developing and designing training content for.

The modern workplace requires us to develop strategies that engage your learners, keeping your audience and the anticipated learning environment in mind. Not all learning needs to be formally scheduled or assessed.  As a matter of fact, most modern learning takes place in the moment of need. The design of the learning will be influenced by where and when learning is anticipated to occur, and success will be dependent on the technology selection, implementation strategy (stand alone, blended, or micro-learning), and design approach.

To address these topics, this session will incorporate lessons learned from multiple experts in the field – integrating topics such as the “5 Moments of Learning Need," “Principles of Modern Workplace Learning,” and comparing the “Push” training culture to the “Pull” learning culture. 

About Jennifer Hofmann

Jennifer Hofmann, mastermind behind virtual classroom best practices and blended learning pioneer, is Founder and President of InSync Training. Her entirely virtual consulting firm specializes in the design and delivery of engaging, innovative, and effective modern blended learning. Under Jennifer’s expert leadership, Inc. 500|5000 named InSync training the 10th Fastest Growing Education Company in the U.S. in 2013, the 20th Fastest Growing Education Company in 2014, and to their Inc. 5000 list for four consecutive years. Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network, Forbes Most Powerful Women Issue, The NativeAdVantage, and Goldman Sachs 10000 Small Businesses have all recognized her entrepreneurial drive. Jennifer has written, and contributed to, a number of well-received and highly-regarded books including: The Synchronous Trainer’s Survival Guide: Facilitating Successful Live Online Courses, Meetings, and Events, Live and Online!: Tips, Techniques, and Ready to Use Activities for the Virtual Classroom, and Tailored Learning: Designing the Blend That Fits with Dr. Nanette Miner. In 2017, The Association for Talent Development (ATD) will release her book Blended Learning: What Works.

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