Captivate 9 Variables, Actions and Shared Actions...and a bit of JavaScript too!


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President, eLearningJoe
Webinar Recording Details
  • Category
  • Date and Time
    Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
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    $0 (Free)
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Don't be frightened. Even if you're new to Captivate, come and learn!
Most of this will work in prior Captivate versions too!

The difference between a novice and an expert Captivate developer primarily falls in knowing the following:

  • When and how to create user variables
  • When to use system variables
  • When to use simple actions
  • When and how to create standard advanced actions
  • When and how  to create conditional advanced actions
  • When and how to create shared actions
  • When and how to use JavaScript in Captivate

Impossible, you say? You'll never be able to wrap your head around these topics? Never fear. That big impenetrable wall you seem to see has a door in it that you can just walk through if you have the key to unlock it. Joe Ganci has been using Captivate since it was called RoboDemo, he has been creating eLearning since 1983, and he has loved programming computers since 1974, when he was but a wee lad. Joe will break down these topics for you, provide you with some example files and further resources. Come ask your questions and if you don't know what to ask, come anyway and just soak it all in!


About Joe Ganci

Joe Ganci is widely considered a guru for his expertise in eLearning development and technology, and he consults with clients worldwide, creating eLearning modules and templates, often training personnel in their use and then making himself available to assist if necessary.


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