Integrating Social Media into the Virtual Classroom

Date and TimeWed, Sep 23, 2015 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Is your organization beginning to rely on learning resources outside of classroom training events? In today's hyper-networked virtual workplace, it is only natural to begin "thinking outside the classroom," -- virtual or otherwise!
Social media provides rich resources for informal learning outside of the classroom as well as supplemental learning within the classroom. Both timely and collaborative, social media outlets provide you with the power to make sure learning occurs during your events and continues afterwards.
Social media can also be used to build community and continue the learning conversation started in the classroom, or it can be used as a stand-alone "just in time" set of resources for instant gratification education -- or anything in between!
This session will provide guidelines for:
- Incorporating social media tools and networks into a virtual learning experience to accomplish formal and informal learning
- Establishing social networks as a critical part of your blend
- Integrating social media into virtual classroom design during live lessons and in-between live lessons
About Jennifer Hofmann