Leveraging Iterative Development for Instructional Design


Megan torrance 2022 blue crop low res
CEO and founder, TorranceLearning
Webinar Recording Details



Successive approximation, rapid prototyping, agile methods… they all call for iterative development. With each iteration you take a product out to the learners and gather new input into your designs. Does this completely mess with everything we’ve learned about the ADDIE model? How do you know when to stop iterating? How do you convince your project sponsors to go along? Is this just an excuse for releasing shoddy work?

Learn from actual case studies and the LLAMA (lot like agile methods approach) methods how to create opportunities for iterations as you plan your instructional design projects. You will explore a number of different iteration approaches, what to do with the information gathered at each cycle, and pitfalls to avoid.

Everyone wants to deliver what they promised. This is a sure-fire way to stay on track with your customer and get them the product they expected… on time and on budget! If planning your projects is putting a kink in your day… this could be your solution.

  • How to keep your project on budget and on time
  • How to plan iterations for each phase of your project
  • When to say when to iterations
  • What to do with the information you gather

About Megan Torrance

Megan is the CEO and founder of TorranceLearning, a learning strategy, design, development & data firm renown for not only great client outcomes but also professional development opportunities for our industry.

She's the author of Agile for Instructional Designers and Data & Analytics for Instructional Designers.

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