Spice up your eLearning with the power of Gen AI & Adobe Creative Cloud

Creative Director, headTrix Inc.
Webinar Details
Date and TimeThu, Feb 20, 2025 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Discover innovative tips, tricks, and hacks to boost productivity, expand creativity, and enhance your projects as I showcase the powerful features of Adobe’s creative applications.
In this session, you will learn how to:
Join Mark Itskowitch to unlock the full potential of Adobe’s creative tools and the power of Gen AI to transform and spice up your eLearning content with a little POW!
In this session, you will learn how to:
- Create slides and presentations with Adobe Express
- Find free assets with Adobe Stock
- Seamlessly save, share, and organize assets with Adobe CC Libraries
- Optimize, edit, export, generate, and expand images in Adobe Photoshop
- Create and color vector art, icons, and graphics with Adobe Illustrator
- Generate unique images and Text Effects with Adobe Firefly
- Enhance your audio, video, and create animated captions in Adobe Premiere
- Bring characters to life with Adobe Character Animator and Adobe Express
Join Mark Itskowitch to unlock the full potential of Adobe’s creative tools and the power of Gen AI to transform and spice up your eLearning content with a little POW!
About Mark Itskowitch
Mark Itskowitch, B.A., M.A., Adobe Certified Professional, Adobe Certified Instructor with 25+ years of experience in digital media, graphic design, multimedia, eLearning, animation, motion, video, stop-motion, animation, video content, websites, banner ads, & Adobe Training. Mark has worked for McGraw-Hill New Media, Jostens Learning, Sony Online, Marconi North America, the NBC Agency, and Founder & Principal headTrix Training & Consulting. Mark has taught for the University of California, Platt College, San Diego New Media Center, The Art Institute, Learning Tree International, Adobe Authorized Training Centers, and corporate training for Fox Studios, Universal Music, Warner Bros., Disney, Electronic Arts, DeLoitte, Intuit, NFL, US Army, & many more. He has been a speaker at Adobe Learning Summits, Adobe eLearning World, theAdobe Exchange, Adobe Tech Tuesdays, and a TA at Adobe MAX.