Generate Buy-In to Change the Training Climate

Training Consultant, The Bob Pike Group
Webinar Details
Date and TimeTue, Jul 15, 2025 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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If training in your organization has become cloudy with a chance of boredom, it’s time to brighten things up. We know people tend to support what they help create—that’s why participant-centered learning works so well. Connecting with the content generates buy-in and allows for blue-sky learning. This session provides a formula for effective brainstorming that generates ideas, creates buy-in, and involves people in the process. And that makes for a sunny forecast!
About Becky Lunders
Never quite able to abandon her inner cheerleader, Becky brings contagious enthusiasm and creativity to every class she facilitates. Becky built her career helping people, teams and organizations with continuous improvement. She has been in the people business for 25 years as a journalist, fundraiser, consultant, and trainer. In-person or virtual, Becky provides a training experience that leaves participants feeling connected, energized, and empowered.