Props that Pop: Creating Impactful Object Lessons

M.S., Training Consultant, The Bob Pike Group
Webinar Details
Date and TimeTue, Sep 16, 2025 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Object lessons have loads of potential. They can simplify complex content, help your ideas click in your learners’ minds, and make your content significantly stickier. But for some trainers, presenting with a prop can feel clunky, mechanical, and confusing. Why is this? Isn’t there an easier way to teach using object lessons? How can you grow in your ability to think outside the box, present with confidence, and transition seamlessly between ideas?
About Collin Carroll
Unconventional. That’s a good word to describe Collin. And his road to The Bob Pike Group. But along the way, he’s studied under some of the most successful and participant-centered teachers in their fields. Before starting his career, Collin played football at Virginia Tech and earned a master’s degree from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He has since served as a TV reporter, advertising copywriter, content marketer, youth pastor and conference trainer. Every stop in that journey has reinforced his passion for creating interactive content that helps people laugh, learn and succeed. Collin loves his six younger siblings, all things Irish, and ‘80s karaoke.