Creating the Mobile Virtual Classroom

Date and TimeTue, Jun 23, 2015 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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It should come as no surprise that mobile technology in training has been widely adopted by the professional learning audience – fundamental adult learning principles relating to relevance of material and timeliness of training are supported by mobile in ways few (if any) other platforms can. Mobile technology provides unparalleled access and flexibility of delivery to enhance learner outreach.
Organizations are also making significant investments in mobile devices to help move their businesses into the future. They are very incentivized to maximize the return on those technology investments, and one of the areas where they expect mobile utilization is training.
A major concern, with respect to the mobile virtual classroom, is that organizations expect the same outcomes from mobile learners as they expect from individuals learning from desktop virtual classrooms or even traditional classrooms. They have not yet learned that different learning environments are NOT created equal and there must be a different expectation for each learning environment in terms of outcome.
This session will help you to lead the discussion about the mobile virtual classroom in your organization, by focusing on the following topics:
- Designing for live desktop learning vs. designing for mobile devices - what’s the difference?
- Meeting business needs - the manager’s take on mobile virtual classrooms
- BYOD - learning on mobile devices
- Adult learning theory and mobile virtual learning
Click here for the Free White Paper mentioned at the webinar.
About Jennifer Hofmann