Let’s Play Cards and Make Learning Transfer a Hot Topic

Date and TimeTue, Feb 25, 2025 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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What factors determine learning transfer success? How can L&D leaders, facilitators, and consultants systematically increase the transfer of learning events? And which tools and interventions promote transfer effectiveness? In this session, we'll explore some answers to these questions—answers that are scientifically sound and practically tested.
We will provide an overview of the 12 levers of transfer effectiveness, the essence of 110 years of scientific research reviewed by Dr. Ina Weinbauer-Heidel from the Institute for Transfer Effectiveness (www.transfereffectiveness.com). These 12 levers focus on ensuring that the insights gained from a learning event are sustainably transferred into real life.
You will receive an overview of these 12 levers and then experience a powerful transfer card game to identify possible transfer barriers in your programs. Based on the identified barriers, you will then have an opportunity to explore tools to strengthen the transfer robustness of your programs.
About Melanie Martinelli