Collaborative Demo: Using AI (Chat GPT & Copilot) to Create a Training Course in PowerPoint

President, Ellen Finkelstein Inc.
Webinar Details
Date and TimeTue, Feb 18, 2025 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour And 30 Minutes
Cost$0 (Free)
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Watch for a prompt from the moderator upon login.
In this 90-minute demo, we’ll interactively create a short training course in PowerPoint, using ChatGPT and Copilot.
Based on a topic suggested by participants, we’ll use AI to come up with:
Based on a topic suggested by participants, we’ll use AI to come up with:
- A title (then we’ll choose from among the suggestions)
- An outline of lessons, which we’ll modify until we have what we want
- The detailed content for the lessons
- PowerPoint slides for the entire course
- Main points for each lesson
- A summary for each lesson
- Announcement copy for the course, in at least two writing styles
- A series of promotional emails for the course
About Ellen Finkelstein