How L&D Can Help Leaders Master Accountability Conversations by Avoiding These Three Traps


2023 nate semi formal brick background square   nathan regier
CEO and Founding Owner, Next Element Consulting
Webinar Recording Details


Accountability conversations are one of the most important and challenging leadership tasks. L&D can help leaders master these conversations by recognizing the difference between responsibility, accountability, and ownership, and avoiding three common conversation traps.

Participants will learn a proven Compassionate Accountability template for guiding critical conversations. Help your leaders gain clarity around their role and boost their confidence to get results while building stronger relationships.

At the end of this webinar, participants will get the opportunity to experience the Compassion Assessment and receive a personalized Compassion Insights Report. The CIR measures strength in three core Compassion Competencies, risk for three negative drama roles, resilience to drama, and much more. Get insights, tips, and guides to develop Compassionate Accountability.


About Nate Regier, Ph.D.

Nate Regier, PhD, is the CEO and founding owner of Next Element Consulting, a global leadership consulting and training firm helping leaders build connection and get results with Compassionate Accountability. Nate is an expert in social-emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication, conflict skills, leadership and culture. Recognized as a Top 100 keynote speaker, Nate is the author of four books: Beyond Drama; Conflict without Casualties; Seeing People Through; and  Compassionate Accountability. He hosts The Compassionate Accountability Podcast, writes a weekly blog, contributes to multiple industry publications, and is a regular guest on podcasts.

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